Number: 1987 Date: 28-Aug-84 12':48':43 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Sannella.PA Subject: Add STREAMPROP functionality to GETFILEINFO / PUTFILEINFO Assigned To: Attn: Status: Declined In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Moderate Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Perhaps System: Operating System Subsystem: Generic File Operations Machine: 1132 Disk: Lisp Version: 27-Aug-84 21':14':00 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Masinter" " 5-Sep-84 13':20':33" Attn': Status':(Open->Declined)] Description: ' Date': 22 Aug 84 23':55 PDT' From':' Subject': STREAMPROP' To': LispCore↑.pa' cc':' Reply-to':' ' I''ve added a function STREAMPROP to the system that should appear in the next loadup. It is analogous to WINDOWPROP, except that it currently only works for user properties. Ie., you can''t set STREAM fields with it.' ' -- Rich' ' -----' ' From':' Date': 23-Aug-84 1':36':52 PDT' Subject': Re': STREAMPROP' In-reply-to': Your message of 22 Aug 84 23':55 PDT' To': acuff' cc': LispCore↑' ' How is STREAMPROP different from GETFILEINFO or the other collection of random functions which get info about streams (LINELENGTH etc...)' ' -----' ' Date': 23 Aug 84 01':55 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': STREAMPROP' In-reply-to':''s message of 23-Aug-84 1':36':52 PDT' To':' cc':, LispCore↑.pa' Reply-to':' ' It allows setting arbitrary properties.' ' -- Rich' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 5-Sep-84 13':20':34