Number: 1965

Date: 27-Aug-84 17':19':12

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Sannella.PA

Subject: COPYFILE of sysout from FLOPPY created from Tajo fails

Assigned To: 


Status: Fixed


Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Serious



Priority: Absolutely

System: Operating System

Subsystem: DLion Floppy

Machine: 1108


Lisp Version: 23-Aug-84 18':52':49

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 3071

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 


Description: '
Date': 21 Aug 84 13':03 PDT'
From': Raim.pasa'
Subject': AR 1664 (Copying a sysout)'
To': Sheil.PA'
cc': Roach.PA, LispSupport.PA,  Dering.pasa, Raim.pasa'
Here is an AR with Priority=Absolutely which I am calling to your attention.  This is in line with your offer to personally review high priority problems which seem to getting no attention  yet are particularly distressing to customers. '
Briefly, it is not possible to use Lisp''s COPYFILE to copy a standard Xerox-issued sysout from floppy to a file on the DLion local disk and then to a  Dolphin for execution.  This is particularly  vexing to standalone Dolphin users who thought they could rely on their DLions for software upgrades.'
The problem was verified and submitted by Judy Dering on July 18.  Its status is still "Open".'
I have re-verified the problem this morning.  Specifically, I copied  {rose}<lisp>current>Lisp.sysout to floppies using Tajo, then installed that sysout from floppy to a Lisp paritition on a DLion.  I started the partition and  copied the  same sysout from floppy to {dsk}Lisp.sysout using COPYFILE with FLOPPY.MODE set to SYSOUT.  I then did a byte-for-byte comparison between {dsk}Lisp.sysout and {rose}<lisp>current>Lisp.sysout.  There was a mismatch at position 1152001, which suggests a floppy boundary problem. '
Date': 21 Aug 84 14':05 PDT'
Subject': Re': AR 1664 (Copying a sysout)'
In-reply-to': Raim.pasa''s message of 21 Aug 84 13':03 PDT'
To': Raim.pasa'
cc': Sheil.PA, Roach.PA, LispSupport.PA, Dering.pasa'
     It does appear my code makes certain assumptions about the length of the pieces of the sysout on your floppies.  If you use Interlip''s COPYFILE instead of Tajo to copy the ROSEBOWL sysout to FLOPPY, your procedure should work.  I''ll try to fix FLOPPY to handle the more general Tajo case.  AR1664 complained of "SPP Retransmit Queue out of order"--an NS problem, not a FLOPPY problem--and inability to COPYFILE a sysout to a DEC20, which I put down to the DEC20''s differing EOL convention and FLOPPY''s TEXT/BINARY bug which I fixed last month.'
Date': 21 Aug 84 14':55 PDT'
From': Raim.pasa'
Subject': Re': AR 1664 (Copying a sysout)'
In-reply-to':''s message of 21 Aug 84 14':05 PDT'
cc': Raim.pasa, Sheil.PA, LispSupport.PA, Dering.pasa'
Thank you for the workaround suggestion.'
We will build sysout floppies with COPYFILE and get them to our most desperate users.'
Can we anticipate the Tajo compatibility fix for Harmony?'
Date': 21 Aug 84 15':05 PDT'
Subject': Re': AR 1664 (Copying a sysout)'
In-reply-to': Raim.pasa''s message of 21 Aug 84 14':55 PDT'
To': Raim.pasa'
cc':, Sheil.PA, LispSupport.PA, Dering.pasa'
     This should be easy to fix.  Probably be finished today sometime.'


Test Case: 

