Number: 1961 Date: 27-Aug-84 16':26':55 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: AREDIT not interlocked enough': screws up if scroll window during query Assigned To: Attn: Sannella Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Perhaps System: Text Subsystem: Other Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: 23-Aug-84 18':52':49 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 3071 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["" "30-Aug-84 10':29':52" Status':(Open->Fixed)] Description: ' Date': 20 Aug 84 13':18 PDT' From':' Subject': AR system not interlocked enough' To': Sannella' cc': LispSUpport' ' I find I can screw up the system in several ways if I attempt to, for example, scroll the AR window while doing a query. Need interlocks on several parts of the system which seem to be missing.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 30-Aug-84 10':29':52