Number: 1881

Date: 16-Aug-84 15':55':03

Submitter: Sannella.PA


Subject: Turn off new filepkg msg': "LOAD DECLARE': DONTCOPY questions

Assigned To:


Status: Fixed


Problem Type: Design - UI

Impact: Serious


Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Hopefully

System: Programming Environment

Subsystem: File Package



Lisp Version: 

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "21-Aug-84 12':20':41" Subject': Attn': Status':(New->Open) Description':]'
["Sannella.PA" "27-Aug-84 09':52':02" Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) Description':]

Description: '
Date': 15 Aug 84 21':56 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': FILEPKG problem'
Lisp System Date': 15-Aug-84 19':22':58'
Machine': Dorado (Ahwahnee)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 10000'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Serious'
This is new in this loadup.  I loaded all my .DCOM files as per usual.  When I loaded a function from a patch file in order to include it on the main .DCOM loaded file FOO, FILES? told me properly that FOO needed to be dumped.  When I then called CLEANUP to clean it up, I was told that only the compiled file has been loaded, then asked whether it should LOADVARS the (DECLARE dontcopy ) expressions.'
I hope this is a bug and not an intended feature, cause it will completely change the way I do business.'
Date': 18 Aug 84 15':33 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': How to turn off "LOAD DECLARE': DONTCOPY questions"'
Lisp System Date': 17-Aug-84 17':18':00'
Machine': Dorado (Galileo)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 10000'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Minor'
Starting with a recent sysout, I''m now getting a message when I issue (CLEANUP X).  The message says':  "X Only compiled file was loaded; load DECLARE': DONTCOPY expressions?"  I always answer Yes.  How can I force it to always go do this?  Are there any circumstances in which I would not want it to go load those expressions?  Why did I only recently start receiving this message?'
Thanks for your help...'
Date': 18 AUG 84 18':58 PDT'
Subject': Re': Lisp': How to turn off "LOAD DECLARE': DONTCOPY questions"'
To':   Dietterich, LispSupport'
 In response to the message sent 18 AUG 1984 1533-PDT by'
It is a new "feature" that I think I had better tone down. The problem is that some users experienced a problem in that loading the DONTCOPY''s caused work to get lost. '
I''m gonna fix it so that it doesn''t ask so often.'
Date': 25 AUG 84 16':40 PDT'
Subject': AR#1881, LOAD declare': dontcopy expressions...'
To':   LispSupport'
I modified the code only to ask the question if the file HAS a (DECLARE': .. DONTCOPY ..) expression on it.'
This should reduce the spurrious questions to a minimum. I think the new feature should be noted briefly in the release ':'
When a MAKEFILE is performed with the "remake" option to copy definitions from an old file, MAKEFILE checks to see if all of the necessary definitions had been loaded from the old file. In the past, in such cases (e.g., if you had only loaded the compiled version of a file with (DECLARE': .. DONTCOPY ..) expressions), MAKEFILE would automatically and quetly quietly load the defintiions from the old file.'
In some circumstances this was disasterous -- the user had circumvented the file package in some way, and loading the old defintions overwrote new ones.'
MAKEFILE now asks before performing these operations, e.g.'
Only the compiled version of FOO was loaded, do you want to LOADVARS the (DECLARE': .. DONTCOPY ..) expressions from {DSK}<MYDIR>FOO.;3? '
[this should also go into the manual'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 27-Aug-84 09':52':06