Number: 1842 Date: 15-Aug-84 14':02':21 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: new, simplified PROMPTFORWORD Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 26 Jul 84 12':41 PDT' From':' Subject': more PROMPTFORWORD' To': LispCore↑' ' Well, here''s the latest in the PROMPTFORWORD saga':' ' There is no special PROMPTFORWORD cursor.' ' PROMPTFORWORD no longer grabs the tty. It behaves exactly like READ etc in this regard (if not the tty, waits for you to click in its window; if under the mouse, grabs tty and spawns mouse).' ' The old argument Timelimit.secs has been replaced with an argument URGENCY.OPTION, which can be a number of seconds to wait for a response (as before), or T, meaning wait forever, but periodically flash the window to alert the user if a response is not forthcoming.' ' Currently the only caller with URGENCY.OPTION = T is the password code, but other callers of PROMPTFORWORD might want to consider whether they want the option. The default is to quietly wait for input, as READ does.' ' The 9th and final argument OLDSTRING has been flushed.' ' ↑W does what you''d expect it to, rather than being a synonym of ↑Q (actually, in the latest loadup, ↑W appears to have a bug, which I have fixed for next loadup).' ' Bill' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Other Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Fixed Problem Type: Source Files: