Number: 1818 Date: 10-Aug-84 17':32':41 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: ----- New TEdit Released ----- [post-carol] Assigned To: Attn: Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Impact: Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "27-Aug-84 16':11':23" Subject': Description':]' ["Sannella.PA" "13-Sep-84 09':31':31" Description':] Description: ' Date': 25 Jul 84 14':29 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new version of TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>.' ' It is NOT COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE with the Carol release. Specifically, it depends on a new implementation of press printing. However, the rest of TEdit (including Interpress printing) should continue to work in Carol sysouts.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' 1654 Bug in empty textstreams' 1582 EOFP gives wrong result' 1125 Unshading buttons (like Hardcopy) in menu' 1135 Spurious vert bars in ar.form' 1094 Bravo conversion giving only 1-line output' 1541 Non-numeric arg after CR at bottom of window' 1255 Buttons in menu can be uninverted by repeated clicking' 930 No NewEditProcess in read only windows.' 1631 Non-numeric arg after window reshape' 1598 Non-numeric arg after CR at bottom of window' 630 PUT taking too long' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT now takes both character numbers and selections to specify where the object should be inserted; if none is specified, the object goes at the current caret location.' ' A STORAGE LEAK has been fixed. It involved a circularity involving the prompt window, the TEdit process, and the editing window. This has existed, as best we can tell, ever since attached prompt windows were introduced. Other applications should be cautious of similar interactions.' ' TEDIT NOW HAS A COPYINSERTFN, in accordance with the proposed imageobj standard. In particular, this will make it much easier to copy parts of the screen into documents.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' -----' ' Date': 6 Aug 84 16':33 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>, whose TEDITSYSTEMDATE is 3-Aug-84. It is included in the latest Full.Sysout.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' None' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' Extending a paragraph selection to include the last paragraph, or selecting the last paragraph in a document can cause MP 9305 on a dandelion.' ' A number of race conditions involving TEdit''s interlock on multiple simultaneous operations have been fixed.' ' TEdit now forces a minimum window size when you start it from the background menu.' ' An error in screen update, such that Lafite REply-to and Format header lines were being displayed with the left 6 pixels blank, has been fixed.' ' The infinite loop in hardcopy has been fixed.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' New Features':' ' *PAGE FORMATTING is now available. You may specify the existence, location, and font of page numbers, and the number, width, and separation of columns on the page, as well as margins all around.' ' You may specify separate sets of the above values for each of three classes of pages': The first page, all other left-hand (verso) pages, and all other right-hand (recto) pages. These all assume that the pages are to be printed on both sides of each sheet of paper.' ' To set these, hit the "Page Formatting" button in the TEdit expanded menu. That brings up a second menu which lets you examine and set the page layouts. Generally, the values in that menu are in picas, of which there are 6 to the inch--user-specifiable units are in the queue.' ' The default page layout is now one-inch margins all around, with no page number on the first page, and page numbers 1/2" from the top alternating left and right sides thereafter.' ' There is also a functional interface to page layout,' ' (TEDIT.PAGELAYOUT stream layout)' ' will set the page layout specs for the given text stream. "layout" is either a single page''s worth of layout, or a complete specification. To specify layout for a single class of page, use the function' ' (TEDIT.SINGLE.PAGEFORMAT Page#s? Pg#X Pg#Y Pg#Font Pg#Alignment Top Bottom Left Right #Cols ColWidth InterColSpace Units)' ' returns a PAGEREGION describing the page layout requested.' Page#s?': T if you want page numbers on this kind of page, else NIL.' Pg#X': The horizontal location of the page number. Negative values are measured from the right margin.' Pg#Y': The vertical location of the base line for the page numbers. Negative values are measured from the top of the page.' Pg#Font': The font to be used to display the page numbers. This can be any specification that is acceptable to TEDIT.LOOKS.' Pg#ALignment': Tells how the page number is to be aligned on the location you gave for it. ''LEFT means your location is the lower, left corner of the page number. ''RIGHT means your location is the lower, right corner. ''CENTERED means you want the page number centered around the point you specified.' Top': The top margin' Bottom': The bottom margin' Left': The left margin' Right': The right margin' #Cols': Number of columns (default 1)' ColWidth': Column width (default is to evenly divide the available space between left and right margins)' InterColSpace': The space between the right edge of one column, and the left edge of the next column. Defaults to evenly divide the space left after the columns are set up. If there is more than one column, YOU MUST SPECIFY ONE OR THE OTHER OF ColWidth and InterColSpace!' Units': The units used in setting the values you specified. May be one of the atoms PICAS, IN, INCHES, CM, POINTS. Default is PICAS.' ' Once you have build a PAGEREGION description for each of the 3 classes of page, you can create a composite page layout for your document by calling' ' (TEDIT.COMPOUND.PAGEFORMAT first recto verso)' ' with the three respective page-class layout descriptions. Then call TEDIT.PAGEFORMAT with that result.' ' NOTE': This interface is interim only; it will be expanded and altered in the future to give access to greater power for laying out pages.' ' *EXPANDED MENU is now split into 4 sub menus. Hitting the "Expanded Menu" item in the TEdit menu now brings up a small "core" menu, with the most common operations. From that menu, you can get to 3 auxiliary menus, for character-looks, paragraph-looks, and page-layout. These menus scroll independently, and stay around until closed.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Known problems':' ' If one expanded menu is closed, it may leave a gap between the main window and other expanded menus for that same edit window.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' -----' ' Date': 14 Aug 84 10':00 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>, whose TEDITSYSTEMDATE is 13-Aug-84 21':16. It will be included in future Full.Sysouts.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' [none]' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' The failure ARG NOT PIECE during hardcopy has been fixed.' ' The paragraph-ruler has had its sensitive areas changed slightly, so that it should react more as people expect.' ' Hardcopy now BLOCKs, so that other things can be going on in parallel with it.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' New Features':' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Known problems':' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' -----' ' Date': 20 Aug 84 16':49 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>, whose TEDITSYSTEMDATE is 18-Aug-84 13':51. It will be included in future Full.Sysout''s.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' 1801 Want more compact bitmap repn in tedit files' 1535 Shrinking an unsaved TEdit window -> error' 1744 Illegal arg under PressWord' 1584 Initial TEDIT FONT prop doesn''t work' 870 Hardcopy should use {DSK} for large files.' 1328 Printing to empty textstream doesn''t update window' 1245 Overly protective mutual exclusion' 1383 " " " "' 1681 Divide by zero in scroll bar code' 1691 Shrinking Lafite mail-send window no good' 645 Allow put.get without updating window title (NOTITLE prop)' 1909 MAP OUT OF BOUNDS after AR Edits [XPOINTER problem]' 1910 Circularity in TEdit TTY windows' ' -----Fixed TEdit part of':' 1031 Want EMPRESS & TEdit hcpy to block' 952 Lafite hardcopy option for controlling # of sides in print (PRINTOPTIONS arg to hardcopy fns)' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' New Features':' ' There is a new function, TEXTPROP, which can be used to set and retrieve values of the various PROPS to TEdit. The value setting side is incomplete as yet, but fetching works. You may also use this to save your own properties on an edit.' ' In the future, those properties which are stored on the editing window will cease to be stored there, and will be kept only on the TEXTOBJ''s props container. Please change any uses of that property.' ' There are new PROPs for controlling TEdit''s interaction with the world':' ' PROMPTWINDOWHEIGHT (in lines) controls the height of the attached prompting window. You can also set a default for your whole environment, as the value of TEDIT.PROMPTWINDOW.HEIGHT.' ' NOEXTENT, if non-NIL, suppresses TEdit''s changing of the edit window extent.' ' NOTITLE, if non-NIL, suppresses TEdit''s changing of the edit window''s title.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' -----' ' Date': 23 Aug 84 17':14 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>, whose TEDITSYSTEMDATE is 21-Aug-84, 12':56. It will be included in future Full.Sysouts.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' --Multiple page breaks on ↑L.' --Single-line paragraphs no longer get pushed to a new page.' --lots of minor fixes to small things nobody normal''d ever see.' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' New Features':' ' --New function MBUTTON.CHANGENAME, for changing the name (and the image) for a menu button.' ' --DSPFONT of a TEXT stream now has the right side effect.' ' --There is a new function, TEDIT.RAW.INCLUDE, which can be used to include parts of files without checking to see if the source is a TEdit file or a Bravo file. This is much faster, if you guarantee that the source is plain ascii.' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Known problems':' ' The "Page Heading" button in the paragraph looks menu isn''t really hooked up yet--using it may be hazardous to the appearance of your document': Things that are marked as page headings will NOT appear in hardcopy. (yet)' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' -----' ' Date': 12 Sep 84 15':13 PDT' From':' Subject': ----- New TEdit Released -----' To': TEditFriends↑.pa, LispFriends↑.pa' cc':' ' There is a new TEdit available on {ERIS}<Lispcore>Library>, whose TEDITSYSTEMDATE is 10-Sep-84 16':32. It will be included in future Full.Sysouts.' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ARs fixed':' ' 868Double prompt when shrinking TEdit with menu' 882MOVE gets wrong text' 1136Copy to fmtd document confused' 1533SLOWUPDATE textprop forces slow, careful updates' 1545Blank window pops up during GET' 1547Missing } in file name after GET' 1864ARG NOT PIECE instead of EOF error' 1867Hardcopy spacing problem (old)' 1873Losing TAB info over GET-PUT' 1888Losing TABs over logout' 613 Bogus Edit-op-in-progress' 1534 REPAINT window should really recompute lines' 1585 TEdit asks for OTHER font name in global prompt window' 1868 Para looks menu too short' 2116 Document CoerceTExtObj more fully' 1244 Illegal arg when delivering plain text of a msg containing IMAGEOBJs' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Non-AR problems fixed':' ' ARG NOT PIECE - NIL error at EOF.' ' Some sources of trouble with Move/Copy that caused garbage have been fixed.' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' New Features':' ' SUPPORT FOR PAGE HEADINGS is now available. The page-layout menu includes space for specifying the locations of up to 4 headings/footers. You assign each of the headers a name, which is used to find the text for the heading.' ' To put a header into a document, type in a paragraph that is the heading. Bring up the paragraph-formatting menu, turn the "Page HEading" button from off to on, and fill in the "heading type" field with the name for that kind of heading. Then APPLY. A small gray square will appear in the left margin next to the paragraph''s first line, to warn you that there''s something you can''t see about this paragraph. When you print the document, the heading paragraph will NOT appear in the document, but will be put on each page thereafter (if that page is supposed to have that kind of header).' ' ' SPECIAL POSITIONING OF PARAGRAPHS is now supported': You can specify special X and Y positions for a paragraph on the paper. This can be used, for example, to exdent things (like the XEROX logo) into the left margin. The paragraph formatting menu includes "special X" and "-Y" fields. Setting them to zero removes any special positioning.' ' The fields in the FMTSPEC that do this are FMTSPECIALX and FMTSPECIALY. If zero or NIL, they have no effect; otherwise, they''re taken as the left/bottom for the first line of the paragraph, in points. You can also use SPECIALX and SPECIALY as part of the PList argument to TEDIT.PARALOOKS.' ' ' New TEXTPROP, "SLOWUPDATE". If T, this forces Tedit to avoid the fast updating it usually uses for keyboard operations (which sometimes cause the display to be incorrect).' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ' ' --The TEdit Implementors' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 13-Sep-84 09':31':32