Number: 1777

Date:  9-Aug-84 12':59':31

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Kaplan

Subject: Find way to print fixed-width fonts on NS printers

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date': 28 Jun 84 19':10 PDT'
Subject': New Press etc'
To': Lispcore↑'
Cc': Gascon'
I have moved new versions of the various DIG files back to <LISPCORE>SOURCES> and >LIBRARY.  This includes new versions of PRESS, INTERPRESS, TEDITHCPY, and IMAGEOBJ.'
This now provides for individual press streams, and for printing of bitmap objects in Press files.  Please report any problems having to do with press and interpress files. '
I made one change in response to an AR request that might have some local negative consequences, at least temporarily.  When GACHA was called out on an Interpress file, the printer substituted MODERN instead, which is close but not all that close.  I fixed it so that gacha is translated to TERMINAL when the file is being made.'
Unfortunately, it turns out that our printer currently doesn''t have TERMINAL 10 on it, just 8 and 12, so that what you see on your hardcopy is just white space instead of the characters.'
This presumably will be fixed when Jean upgrades the printer to Services 8.'
P.S.  Actually, I think that the fontname coercions should begin to go the other way.  In Lisp, we should only allow mention of the fonts that actually exist in the Interpress world (Classic, Terminal, etc.), and have those names translated to the closest Press equivalent (Gacha) by the press file maker.  Comments?'
Date': 28-Jun-84 20':12':15 PDT'
Subject': Re': New Press etc'
In-reply-to': Kaplan''s message of 28 Jun 84 19':10 PDT'
To': Kaplan'
cc': Lispcore↑, Gascon'
I had some correspondence a while back which led me to believe that there was *not* going to be a version of Terminal 10 any time soon.'
How would Services 8.0 help?'
Date': 28 Jun 84 21':12 PDT'
Subject': Re': New Press etc'
In-reply-to':''s message of 28-Jun-84 20':12':15 PDT'
cc':, Lispcore↑.pa,'
I assumed that Terminal 10 existed, and that it was only because our fonts etc. are not up to date that we have the problem.'
If there is no Terminal 10, then what are our customers going to do for the normal text size fixed pitch font?'
I''m confused by all of this.'
Date': 29 Jun 84 08':38 PDT'
TO': Kaplan'
cc': LispCore↑'
 In response to the message sent 28 JUN 1984 2112-PDT by'
Most listings come out in Gacha/Terminal 8, not 10. (Cf DEFAULTFONT).'
I think that for Press/Interpress/Display, etc. we may need to resort to a separate ''Style'' mapping, although perhaps more general than the hokey DEFAULTFONT mechanism.'
Especially if we consider odd devices such as Diablo 630s, Banshees, Cougers, etc. Iris (which has its own fonts), ...  it becomes clear that the the notion of font ''coersion'' doesnt make sense.'
Rather, each device has a ''style mapping'', and the program specifies elements of the style rather than individual fonts.'
Stepping back a level is perhaps a bit hard to do, although perhaps we could allow for levels of indirection in FONTDESCRIPTORs, i.e., sometimes a FONTDESCRIPTOR says GACHA 10, and sometimes it says ''fixed pitch font'' and sometimes it says DEFAULTFONT.'
This isn''t a completely coherent design, but I think it is in the right direction.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date:  9-Aug-84 13':53':14

Attn: Kaplan, Sybalsky

Assigned To: 



System: Windows and Graphics

Subsystem: Fonts



Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 



Impact: Serious

Priority: Absolutely

Status: Open

Problem Type: Bug

Source Files: