Number: 1770

Date:  9-Aug-84 12':08':04

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Masinter.PA

Subject: Make sure that all sources and DCOMs include legal copyright info

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date':  8 Jun 84 16':48':23 PDT (Friday)'
From': Masinter.PA'
Subject': copyright notices on code'
To': LispCore↑'
cc': Brown, Sheil'
[I fixed INIT.CIS, but I think that we need to fix up INIT.KSA and the other init files we support and then send this out. I don''t think I will get to it. Since I''m on my way out of town, can someone else take care of this?]'
- - - - - - - - - -'
To': LispUsers↑'
cc': ISL↑'
Subject': Copyright notices on Interlisp programs'
For those whose code might make its way out of the building sometime': Interlisp-D has a ''copyright'' feature which will automatically stamp your sources with the right copyright. It requires setting the variables COPYRIGHTFLG=T, COPYRIGHTOWNERS=((XEROX "Xerox Corporation")) and DEFAULTCOPYRIGHTOWNER=XEROX.'
These have been set appropriately in the latest versions of INIT.CIS, INIT.KSA on {ERIS}<Lisp>Current>. Other users may want to modify their own personal init files.'
Date': Tue, 22 May 84 11':01 PDT'
From': Carothers.PA'
OSD has asked that I distribute something on copyright procedures since some corporate policy has been established on the subject. The procedures are just as revelant to PARC as OSD.'
Date': Mon, 21 May 84 15':07 PDT'
From': Carothers.PA'
1.) It is Xerox corporate policy that the following copyright notice appear in all software files of the corporation':'
	Copyright (C) [year date] by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.'
The preferred place for the notice is in a header. In printed matter, it should appear on the title page or the next page after the title page.'
This form of the notice will not have to be later changed. The form is recognized in most industrial countries.'
2.) The copyright notice should be put on existing files and on files as they are created. On new files the year date will be the year created, e.g. 1984. On existing files it should be the original year date of creation. The best approach is to put the copyright notice in the file when the file is being revised, updated and recompiled, etc.'
3.) The copyright notice should go in all files. There should be no discrimination. The notice is to go on all printed program listings, source and object files, including but not limited to, Mesa programs, interfaces, configurations, packaging descriptions, df files, support files, etc. A recommended approach is to check the copyright notice placement each time a file is created or revised. The placement of the copyright notice from the time of creation should become a second nature thing.'
4.) The copyright notice should appear on the screen of workstations when the machine is first turned on. The notice on the screen may come on for a short time upon booting and then disappear, or remain on the screen during the time of operation. If the choice is a short time appearance, it should be sufficiently long in time to be easily discerned by any user before the notice makes an exit'
Recent copyright case law points toward an interpretation that a copyright notice on a screen may automatically protect all copyrightable subject matter incorporated in a workstation and displayed on a screen of a workstation. However, this case law has not fully developed.'
In any regard, there is no intelligent substitute for placing the copyright notice on all copyrightable material exemplified in Items 2 & 7 of this Note.'
5.) When revising files, i.e. improvments, major changes, etc., the copyright notice should be updated with the original year date and any previous year dates remaining in the notice. This is similar to the copyright notice in the Webster International Dictionary. For example':'
	Copyright (C) 1979, 1981, 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.'
Corrections of errors (e.g. debugging) to code text does not require a new year date.'
6.) If a file is overhauled to an extent to be new and quite different, e.g. to function differently, the copyright law would consider this as a "new work" and a new notice should be employed using the year date of overhaul. Under these circumstances, old year dates should not be included in the new notice.'
7.) The copyright notice should also appear on the jacket or covers for disketts, disks, ROM and RAM packages and any CPU package containing any file or files. The copyright notice should also appear on Xerox owned manufacturing masks for chips. In the case of a ROM, RAM or CPU, the notice should also appear in any code embedded or placed in the such a memory.'
8.) In the cases where software sources are to remain unpublished and are to be licensed to Xerox customers on a confidential basis, the following notice is recommended as a header on such sources, whether a printed source listing or a source file':'
Copyright (C) [year date] by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. The following program was created in [year date] but has not been published within the meaning of the copyright law, is furnished under license, and may not be used, copied and/or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of said license.'
9.) If a group of files each with its own copyright notice are brought together as new single file, a new copyright notice with a new year date should appear at the beginning of the file. This is called a "compilation" under copyright law and requires its own copyright notice. The other individual notices need not and should not be removed.'
	The next Note will include an explanation of the importance of the copyright notice under the federal copyright statute.'
Date': 29 Jun 84 20':15 PDT'
Subject': Re': Copyrights'
In-reply-to':''s message of 29 Jun 84 14':28 PDT'
cc':, masinter.PA, LispCore↑.pa'
by the way, I added to PRETTY a recent feature to append the phrase All Rights Reserved, as requested by corporate.'
In addition, I added a feature that I didn''t document, where if the COPYRIGHT property were ("Xerox Corporation" T 1984), it would print out the ''full'' copyright notice as suggested by corporate legal, namely,'
"Copyright (c) 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. The following program was created in 1984 but has not been published within the meaning of the copyright law, is furnished under license, and may not be used, copied and/or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of said license."'
We *could* with relatively little pain, go and fix the copyright property and re-makefile all sources for SYSFILES and the distributed library. It might be even more important for those files that we distribute sources on already that are in the library (such as grapher.)'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date:  9-Aug-84 14':04':15

Attn: Lisp

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System: Other Software




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Impact: Moderate

Priority: Hopefully

Status: Open

Problem Type: Documentation

Source Files: