Number: 1735 Date: 31-Jul-84 13':04':40 Submitter: Wallace Source: Wallace Subject: Chat hangs when remote host hangs Assigned To: vanMelle Attn: Release Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Serious Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Hopefully System: Communications Subsystem: PUP Protocols Machine: 1132 Disk: Lisp Version: 27-Jul-84 20':32':33 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' [bvm -- presumed fixed by AR 1976]' ["vanMelle" "30-Aug-84 17':38':11" Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) Disposition':] Description: I was CHATing to MAXC which hung. This caused lisp to hang also. The mouse would track but no other process ran (clock, etc). I couldn''t ↑C, left-shift-swat, teleraid, etc Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 30-Aug-84 17':38':12