Number: 1716 Date: 27-Jul-84 15':12':16 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: CHAT exiting goes ''catatonic'' Assigned To: vanMelle Attn: Release Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Fatal Difficulty: Frequency: Once Priority: Perhaps System: Communications Subsystem: PUP Protocols Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' [bvm': presumed fixed by AR 1976]' ["vanMelle" "30-Aug-84 17':19':29" Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) Disposition':] Description: ' Date': 24 Jul 84 21':07 PDT' From':' Subject': Lisp': CHAT exiting goes ''catatonic''' To':' cc': vanMelle,' ' Lisp System Date': 24-Jul-84 00':10':36' Machine': Dorado (Pool-CIS)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Once ' Impact': Fatal' ' Leaving a CHAT connection to ERIS, I just said ' ' Logout' ' and the caret stopped flashing while still visible in the bottom line of the CHAT window, interrupts were shut off, and the mouse wasn''t running; there was cursor tracking, and infinite GC''s. CTRL-SHIFT-SWAT didn''t do anything, but CTRL-SHIT-DEL permitted a ↑D to get out of that state.' ' -- JonL --' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 30-Aug-84 17':19':30