Number: 1714 Date: 27-Jul-84 14':12':07 Submitter: Le.pasa Source: mccand@NPRDC.ARPA Subject: Problems talking to Vax Unix Ftp server Assigned To: Attn: Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Moderate Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Perhaps System: Communications Subsystem: PUP Protocols Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' ' In Reply to your message to Ron Stanonik of JUL 18' ' Here are the commands I have tried using between the DORADO' and the VAX and their various consequences':' ' ' COPYFILE --' ' From D To Vax ': works if VAX path is specified as ' {HOST}<directory>filename' ' e.g (COPYFILE ''{DSK1}LISP.SYSOUT ' ''{NPRDC}</nprdc/04/mccand/interlisp/>LISP.SYSOUT)' ' From Vax To D': works if specified as above but WITHOUT the' right and left angle brackets' ' e.g (COPYFILE ''{NPRDC}/nprdc/04/mccand/interlisp/LISP.SYSOUT ' ''{DSK1}LISP.SYSOUT)' ' Seems to copy both text and DCOM files without problems.' ' ' DIRECTORY -- works if specified above with angle brackets.' wildcards seem to work' ' e.g. (DIRECTORY ''{NPRDC}</nprdc/04/mccand/interlisp/>*)' ' ' LOAD -- works if specified above WITHOUT angle brackets' ' e.g. (DIRECTORY ''{NPRDC}/nprdc/04/mccand/interlisp/COMPILEBANG.DCOM)' ' MAKEFILE -- can''t get it to work either way. Error is ' ' Unable to open file.' ' SYSOUT -- same error as above.' ' These are all I''ve tried so far.' ' ' Tim McCandless' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 30-Jul-84 17':45':03