Number: 1706 Date: 27-Jul-84 21':00':16 Submitter: Le.pasa Source: Bird.pasa Subject: Lafite Browser Icon has file name formatted incorrectly Assigned To: Attn: Sybalsky Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Minor Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Perhaps System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Other Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: FULL.SYSOUT 6/8/84 Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' When a LAFITE browser window is shrunk it produces a mailfolder icon with the folder''s file name embedded in it. I currently have six of these, all but one of which are formatted correctly. The problem case is the folder name {ROSEBOWL}<BIRD>STAFF where the last character should be printed on the third line but isn''t. Shorter and longer names work OK.' ' -------' Date': 31 Jul 84 18':45 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': AR#1706': Lafite Browser Icon has file name formatted incorrectly' To': Sybalsky' cc':' ' This looks like it''s yours':' ' (TITLEDICONW MSGFOLDERTEMPLATE "{ROSEBOWL}<BIRD>STAFF")' ' drops the final F. (MSGFOLDERTEMPLATE gets set the first time you shrink a Lafite browser.)' ' Bill' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: {ROSEBOWL}<BIRD>STAFF.MAIL Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 31-Jul-84 21':20':44