Number: 1653 Date: 17-Jul-84 10':57':21 Submitter: Le.pasa Source: Barrera.pasa Subject: PASSWORD problems Lisp Version: 8-Jun-84 11':31':06 Description: ' We''ve been having very serious password problems here lately. ' ' They happen intermittently. ' ' The first problem is that no files can be written onto the Lisp and Lispusers directories on Rosebowl. Attempts using COPYFILE are followed by a request for the connect password. After the correct password is given, a break window opens declaring': "FILE WON''T OPEN". This is the same as the response to an incorrect password.' ' Chat, on the other hand, will accept absolutely anything as a password when trying to connect to one of these directories. I CONNected to Lispusers and typed garbage in for the password. Then I successfully executed a DELete. I tried simply using DIR to connect to the directory, and proceeded to DELete a file without the system asking me to type in a password.' ' Judy and Lorraine have also encountered these problems.' ' We are all using the same Full.sysout (8 June).' ' -----' ' Sender': Sannella.PA' Date': 13 Jul 84 17':53':23 PDT (Friday)' Subject': Re': Lisp': PASSWORD problems' In-reply-to': Barrera.pasa''s message of 13 Jul 84 16':51 PDT' To': Barrera.pasa' cc': LispSupport' From':' Reply-To':' ' "Cant COPYFILE"' ' This is a known problem, which has been fixed, and will be in the Harmony release (see AR 458).' ' "Chat allows you to delete protected files"' ' This is not Lisp''s problem --- all chat does is give you a way to talk to the telnet server on the IFS rosebowl. Try chatting to rose from Tajo, and see if you have the same problem.' -----' ' Why are you still using the 8-Jun Full.sysout, rather than the 20-Jun sysout (Carol)?' Workaround: Test Case: CHAT, and the COPYFILE function Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 20-Jul-84 11':46':51 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Operating System Subsystem: Generic File Operations Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious Priority: Hopefully Status: Declined Problem Type: Bug Source Files: