Number: 1647 Date: 16-Jul-84 8':48':22 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Dedit doesn''t should shade window if EXIT is part of a command sequence Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 14 Jul 84 16':38 PDT' From':' Subject': Lisp': Dedit should shade window if EXIT is part of a command sequence' To':' cc':' ' Lisp System Date': 12-Jul-84 21':27':39' Machine': Dorado (Galileo)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Always' Impact': Minor' ' Dedit is normally very good about shading out its window when the value displayed in the window is no longer accurate. One case that it misses occurs when you give a multiple command sequence (using the CONTROL key) such as () Delete Exit. Since EXIT is the last command, Dedit exits without updating the display. Now, it COULD update the display before exiting, but an alternative (probably what the user intended) is to simply shade out the window as it exits.' ' I''ve used this sequence often and frequently I''ve been confused by the contents of the lingering Dedit window.' ' --Tom' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Sheil Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Programming Environment Subsystem: Code Editor Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Bug Source Files: