Number: 1574 Date: 29-Jun-84 11':40':48 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: New lispusers package': Scrollable snapshot windows Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 28 Jun 84 23':25 PDT' From':' Subject': Lisp': Scrollable snapshot windows' To':' cc': dietterich' ' I''ve written a very useful hack, in response to a request from Tom Dietterich. Whenever a snapshot is made, it is turned into a scroll window, with the bitmap as the effective display stream. Thus, you can reshape the window to a reasonable size and scroll around in it in both directions. See <SHRAGER>LISP>SNAPSCROLL for the code, although I don''t do anything fancy, it it reasonably fast. I think that this (or its equivalent) should be installed in InterLisp.' ' -- Jeff' ' (PS': Tom, once I reaslized what I really wanted to do, it *did* take only about ften minutes. -- Jeff)' ' -----' ' Date': 29 Jun 84 00':07 PST' From':' Subject': Making a snap window scrollable' To': LispUsers↑' Reply-to':' ' * Title': SNAPSCROLL' * Author': Jeff Shrager' * Support': Jeff Shrager (Shrager.PA@Xerox)' ' * Source': <LISPUSERS>SNAPSCROLL.DCOM' * DCom': <LISPUSERS>SNAPSCROLL.DCOM' * Doc': <LISPUSERS>SNAPSCROLL.TED' ' * Status': Semi-supported, Public.' ' * Description':' ' Loading SNAPSCROLL advises (SNAPW) so that snapshot windows are henceforth shapeable and scrollable. This enables the user to, for example, snap a long list off the screen, and then reshape it to a reasonable size and scan it at will.' ' * Notes':' ' This function advises SNAPW so software the relies on that FN may be affected. ' ' A bitmap the size of the original snap window is constructed by snapscroll, so reshaping the window doesn''t save and array space. In fact, you spend twice the space, for each snapwindow.' ' * Recommended enhancements':' ' Make application of snapscroll, contingent on actually reshaping the snap window, so that if the user doesn''t reshape it, the array space isn''t used.' ' * Update history':' ' 6/28/84': Jeff Shrager': Created.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Library Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Fixed Problem Type: Source Files: