Number: 1563 Date: 28-Jun-84 16':57':04 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Tom Lipkis -<LIPKIS@USC-ISIF.ARPA>-Mersfelder Subject: Bug in textstreams (superseded by AR 1536) Lisp Version: Fugue6 Description: The following illustrates a bug with the filepointer of text streams.' ' ' 41←PL TEXTOFD' FILEDATES ': ((" 2-Mar-84 16':47':13" . {PHYLUM}<TEDIT>TEXTOFD.;28))' FILE ': ((TEXTOFDCOMS . Compiled))' 42←(SETQ f (OPENTEXTSTREAM]' {STREAM}#5,154360' 43←(for x to 10 do (BOUT f x]' NIL' 44←(GETFILEPTR f)' 10' 45←(GETEOFPTR f)' 10' 46←(SETFILEPTR f 8)' 8' 47←(BIN f)' 9' 48←(GETFILEPTR f)' 9' 49←(BIN f)' 10' 50←(GETFILEPTR f)' 10' 51←(BIN f) ; Shouldn''t this generate an EOF error?' NIL' 52←(GETFILEPTR f) ; When EOF is reached, the file pointer reverts back' 8 ; to the last place it was set.' 53←(EOFP f)' T' 54←(SETFILEPTR f 4)' 4' 55←(to 7 collect (BIN f]' (5 6 7 8 9 10 NIL)' 56←(GETFILEPTR f)' 4' 57←DRIBBLE)' ' ' In the previous version (<SYBALSKY>TEXTOFD.;165 from 14-OCT-83),' the EOF error also didn''t happen, but the file pointer was correct after' EOF was reached.' ' ' Tom' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 17-Aug-84 9':57':31 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: AR 1536 Disposition: System: Operating System Subsystem: Generic File Operations Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Moderate Priority: Status: Superseded Problem Type: Bug Source Files: