Number: 1553

Date: 28-Jun-84 13':09':06

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Feuerman.pasa

Subject: Want Page Headers

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date': 26 Jun 84 16':51 PDT'
From': Feuerman.pasa'
Subject': TEdit': Headers would be nice??'
cc': Feuerman.pasa'
TEdit-System-Date': 24-May-84 17':31':57'
Lisp-System-Date':  4-Jun-84 00':43':25'
Machine-Type': Dandelion'
TEdit has gotten to the point that as far as I''m concerned, I''ll never use Bravox again.  Of course there are several things in Bravox that you can''t do in TEdit, but as the need arises, those I assume will be either added in, or deliberately left out.'
One particular need has come up for us in Pasadena.  We are constantly writing proposals.  "It would be nice if" one could put headers on pages.  That is, be able to specify a string such that when the TEdit stream is printed out, the string appears at the top or bottom of every page.  Is that already implemented somehow?  Would it be possible to add it?'
mjs 6/28'
Subject': Re': TEdit': Headers would be nice??'
In-reply-to': Feuerman.pasa''s message of 26 Jun 84 16':51 PDT'
To': Feuerman.pasa'
cc': TEditSupport'
I believe that John Sybalsky has been working on page formatting, including headers and page numbers.  Currently, this isn''t released, even within LispCore, and there isn''t any user interface yet.  Soon...'
Date':  2 Jul 84 14':24 PDT'
Subject': Re': TEdit': Headers would be nice??'
In-reply-to': Feuerman.pasa''s message of 26 Jun 84 16':51 PDT'
To': Feuerman.pasa'
The rudiments are there to support both page numbers and page headings, and multiple columns on a page.  The release awaits my smoothing of a plethora of rough edges, and creating a decent user interface.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date:  9-Jul-84 17':28':48

Attn: Syblaksy, nuyens

Assigned To: 



System: Text

Subsystem: TEdit



Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Everytime

Impact: Moderate

Priority: Hopefully

Status: Open

Problem Type: Design - Impl

Source Files: