Number: 1437 Date: 14-Jun-84 16':01':31 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: New lispusers package forfn call graph': GRCALLS Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 28 May 84 15':38 PDT' From':' Subject': [Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>': GRCALLS released]' To': raim.pasa, lispsupport, jellinek' ' I have seen this package and it''s very jazzy.' ' Marty': Can you (have you) contact Chris and see if he is desirous of us distributing this as a LispUsers package (I think we should, but I''m open to counters).' ' LispSupport': Could you make sure we have a copy in house at Palo Alto and that it is in *our* <Lispusers> (maybe even in Full).' ' Herb': You should look at this for inclusion in the new demo or for AAAI.' ' Beau' ' ----- Forwarded Messages -----' ' Return-Path': <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>' Received': from SUMEX-AIM.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 23 MAY 84 16':51':25 PDT' Date': Wed, 23 May 84 16':47':58 PDT' From': Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>' Subject': GRCALLS released' To': HPP-Dolphins@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA' cc': Schoen@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA, Spurgeon@SU-CSLI.ARPA, Eric@SU-CSLI.ARPA, Novak@UTEXAS-20.ARPA, Alan.Lesgold@CMU-CS-A.ARPA, 1100support.pasa, Sheil.PA' ' Christopher Lane has been so kind as to package his GRAPHCALLS system' for general consumption and release to the LISPUSERS community.' GRAPHCALLS is a general utility which uses grapher to create a' browser which depicts the calling structure of a subsystem. Menus' select the form and depth of the graph. Another menu selects a filter' or set of filters to prune the graph. Buttoning a node allows a user' to inspect (1) the argument list of a function, (2) the type of a' function, (3) the ccode for a function, or (4) the localvars,' freevars, and globalvars of a function. Additionally, one can break' the function, trace it, edit it, do a WHEREIS on it, BKSYSBUF it' into the typing stream, or graph it to a still deeper level.' GRAPHCALLS uses the linker information returned by CALLS' rather than a masterscope database, so it is much faster than the latter.' GRAPHCALLS is filed in [SUMEX] or [CSLI] ' <LISPUSERS.FUGUE6>GRCALLS.DCOM, MSS, IMP, & PRESS. There is a Fugue 4' GRCALLS.DCOM in <LISPUSERS.FUGUE4>GRCALLS.DCOM. Questions about' distribution should be addressed to me rather than to Christopher.' --Christopher' -------' ----- End of Forwarded Messages -----' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Programming Environment Subsystem: Other Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Fixed Problem Type: Source Files: