Number: 1409 Date: 13-Jun-84 15':14':54 Submitter: Le.pasa Source: Wogulis.pasa Subject: 915 from Lisp Installation Tool Lisp Version: Description: ' From the bouncing white box, about half the time I hit the left button for the Lisp Installation Tool menu, the screen goes blank after filling in the "Volume Menu':" field and the MPC is 915. This is with the LIT of 1 June 84.' ' -----' ' Date': 6 Jul 84 11':32':15 PDT (Friday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': AR 1409': Intermittent MPC 915 trap' To': Dering, Wogulis, Le' cc':, 1100Support,, JFung' ' I believe this version fixes the intermittent MPC 915 traps (AR 1409). Please give it a test. Thanks. ' ' It is filed at [Rose]<Lisp>Carol>Installation>LispInstallationTool.bcd!3 120320 6-Jul-84 10':41':12 PDT' ' Jerry' ' -----' ' Date': 26 Jul 84 15':36 EDT' From': Gocek.henr' Subject': Lisp': 0915 Maintenance Panel Code' To':' cc': Gocek, Brol, Goetz, Boesl, Hannaway.Wbst' Lisp-System-Date': 21-Jun-84 10':50':28' Machine-Type': Dandelion, 43 MB' ' I have been running InstallLispTool and LispInstallationTool from a Tajo volume to get to my Lisp volumes. I have a Dsk volume, Diagnostics (Tajo), and three Lisp volumes.' ' I frequently get a 0915 MP code when I bug the left mouse button to go from the tool''s base state to the Installation Tool window. I had a diagnostics floppy run on my system and we found 265 soft errors and 35 hard errors in five passes. If that doesn''t make sense to you, I can get more info on exactly what was run.' ' When the 0915 comes up, I reboot and try again. I usually succeed on the next try. I can always 0-boot into Lisp, assuming I logged out cleanly, but that doesn''t help me if I want to do a Copy-VMem.' ' I''ve tried scavenging various volumes, erasing and reinstalling Tajo, etc. The tech. reps out here don''t seem to think that they can adequately diagnose Lisp machine problems.' ' Is this a common problem? What can I do? What can I tell the tech. reps?' ' Thanks,' Gary' ' -----' ' Sender': Sannella.PA' Date': 27 Jul 84 15':49':54 PDT (Friday)' Subject': Re': Lisp': 0915 Maintenance Panel Code' In-reply-to': Gocek.henr''s message of 26 Jul 84 15':36 EDT' To': Gocek.henr' cc': LispSupport, Brol.henr, Goetz.henr, Boesl.henr, Hannaway.Wbst' From':' Reply-To':' ' This is a known bug with the LispInstallationTool, which will be fixed with the next release of Interlisp. It this really inconvenient for you? One trick that seems to reduce the frequency of MP915''s is to start the profile tool first (press both-buttons), quit out of it, and then start the LIT.' ' -----' ' Date': 30 Jul 84 10':00 EDT' From': Gocek.henr' Subject': Re': Lisp': 0915 Maintenance Panel Code' In-reply-to':''s message of 27 Jul 84 15':49':54 PDT (Friday)' To':' cc': Gocek.henr' ' If I just try to open the LIT window after 1-booting, I get 0915 about half the time, and I have to spend a couple of minutes rebooting. That is inconvenient.' ' It seems to help if I open and close the profile window first. I can live with that.' ' Thanks,' Gary' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 15-Aug-84 14':00':24 Attn: Jfung.pasa Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious Priority: Hopefully Status: Fixed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: