Number: 1403 Date: 12-Jun-84 17':02':55 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Mcfarland.henr Subject: Update documentation for COLORUTILITIES lispusers package Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 12 Jun 84 11':46 EDT' From': Mcfarland.henr' Subject': Lisp': Color Bugs' To':' cc': Mcfarland.henr,, KMatysek.henr' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dolphin' ' I can''t seem to get the COLORADDMENU function to work properly. If I create a color window and a standard (B/W) menu; the coloraddmenu function puts a menu box in the window at the proper position, but no "items" show up. The function never comes back; ↑T = "runnung in \CAR.UFN in FASSOC in COLORGETITEMCOLOR". ' ' I also have problems reinitializing the color display stream if I enter a sysout that had an active color display stream. How can I re-initialize to get the color stream back ?' ' Your assistance appreciated,' ' Doug McFarland' ' -----' ' Subject': Re': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns' In-reply-to':''s message of 12 Jun 84 17':03':13 PDT (Tuesday)' To': Mcfarland.henr' cc':, KMatysek.henr,, Feuerman.pasa' ' COLORADDMENU is a function from COLORUTILITIES which is a lispusers package supported by Ken Feuerman. I forwarded your message to him.' ' The problem with "reinitializing" the color display stream may be coming from the fact that the color display is not automatically turned on after a sysout. You can turn it back on by calling (COLORDISPLAY T).' ' Richard ' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 07':12 EDT' From': Mcfarland.henr' Subject': Re': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns' In-reply-to':''s message of 12 Jun 84 17':14 PDT' To':' cc': Mcfarland.henr,, KMatysek.henr,, Feuerman.pasa' ' I should have been more explicit about the reinitialization problem; It did however, give me a chance to recheck the problem. When I execute the COLORDISPLAY function (regardless of the parameters passed to it) all I get is ''ILLEGAL ARG'' ''NOBIND''. ' ' This function is called when the background "Color Display On/Off" is selected. This causes a break where BT=':' ' COLORSWITCHDISPLAYON/OFF' COLORINIT (all parms nil)' ERRORSET' COLORDISPLAY (all looks ok, colormapifon=T' bits/pixel is 4, etc.' ' COLORMAPOF NEWCM = NOBIND' BITSPERPIXEL is 4' COLORMAPCREATE INTENSITIES = NOBIND' ' BREAK1 seems it dosn''t like nobind intensities ?' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 10':30 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': [': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns]' In-reply-to': Feuerman.pasa''s message of 13 Jun 84 09':34 PDT' To': Feuerman.pasa' cc':' ' There is a new staging directory called <LISPNEW> which is where the new version of color utilities stuff should go, subdirectory <LISPNEW>LISPUSERS>. If it really is backward compatible, you should just put it on <LISPUSERS>. Msg Mike that it should be included in the release.' ' I would like to know what the incompatibilities you ran across were. We need to make sure they are documented in the new release msg.' ' richard' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 10':30 PDT' From':' Subject': [Feuerman.pasa': Re': [': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns]]' To': Sannella' ' RE previous msg.' ' ' ----- Begin Forwarded Messages -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 09':34 PDT' From': Feuerman.pasa' Subject': Re': [': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns]' In-reply-to':''s message of 12 Jun 84 17':08 PDT' To': McFarland.henr,' cc': Feuerman.pasa' ' Doug,' ' I saw your message that Richard Burton passed on to me. I was unable to reproduce the situation that you describe, though I was able to find the place in the code that your ↑T produced. I could not find any reason why it should die there either. Alas, if I ever do get a chance, I think I should go through COLORUTILITIES and do a bit of optimization. There are a lot of things that I would do a little differently (now that I know better). But in the meantime, I might double check a few things': How many menu items are there? Are you trying to display the menu items in black (invisible)? Maybe if I had an example of how you created the color window and the menu, I could tell what was happening to you.' ' We may have a version skew problem again. The SYSOUT I''m starting up from now is dated June 8, 1984. As a result, there were a few bugs in COLORUTILITIES that cropped up in other places. I''ve fixed those, so the newest version of COLORUTILITIES (on {ROSEBOWL}<FEUERMAN>LISP>) *should* be backward source compatible with whatever SYSOUT you''re using (I say *should* cautiously). You may want to give that a try if you can ever get through on the net.' ' Richard, the SYSOUT I''m starting from is called {ROSEBOWL}<LISP>CAROL>LISP.SYSOUT, dated June 8. Because I''ve now compiled COLORUTILITIES in that sysout, should I now move the new COLORUTILITIES up to {ERIS}<LISPUSERS> (formerly {PHYLUM}) and make some sort of release notice? Is that June 8 sysout the "latest" version (other than on <LISPCORE>)?' ' ' --Ken.' ' ----- End Forwarded Messages -----' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 11':13 PDT' From': Feuerman.pasa' Format': TEdit' Subject': Re': [': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns]' In-reply-to':''s message of 13 Jun 84 10':30 PDT' To':' cc': Feuerman.pasa,' ' Richard,' ' In the new release, the argument names to PUTMENUPROP were changed':' ' (PUTMENUPROP Menu Prop Val) => (PUTMENUPROP Menu Property Value)' ' It''s minor, but I had an ADVISE on PUTMENUPROP which needed to look at the value of those arguments. Hence I got an unbound atom when I asked the value of PROP. I changed it so it looks for the value of (CADR (ARGLIST ''PUTMENUPROP)). This should work in both versions. This sort of thing has happened before; I just need to make sure that from now on when I depend on the name of an argument to a system function, I should double check that name first (in case it changes).' ' That''s about all that I can think of that changed that I wasn''t responsible for.' ' By source backward compatible, I meant that I couldn''t guarantee that the compiled version would work in whatever sysout Doug McFarland is using back east (March, April?). What''s more is that I don''t have easy access to such a sysout in order to try and compile the source for them. I think for now it''s probably a good idea to put it on <LISPNEW>. Should I mention that to Lispusers↑?' ' --Ken.' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 11':55 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns' In-reply-to': Mcfarland.henr''s message of 13 Jun 84 07':12 EDT' To': Mcfarland.henr' cc':,, KMatysek.henr,, Feuerman.pasa, Denber.wbst' ' Michel Denber had this problem. It is fixed (I believe) in the June 8 loadup. You might ask Michel how he is patching around it.' ' richard' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 16':47 EDT' From': Denber.wbst' Subject': Re': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns' In-reply-to':''s message of 13 Jun 84 11':55 PDT' To':' cc': Mcfarland.henr,, KMatysek.henr,, Feuerman.pasa' ' Hmm - I vaguely remember something like that, but it was ages ago. I don''t think I ever did anything about it - I believe Ken fixed it. Is that right, Ken? The only problem I still have with color with the current sysout is having to do that ADVISE on COLORMAPOF (I think it was) before anything will work at all.' ' - Michel' -----' ' Date': 13 Jun 84 14':57 PDT' From': Feuerman.pasa' Subject': Re': AR 1403': COLORADDMENU never returns' In-reply-to': Mcfarland.henr''s message of 13 Jun 84 07':12 EDT' To': Mcfarland.henr' cc':,, KMatysek.henr,, Feuerman.pasa' ' Yes, Michel, Richard, and Doug.' ' There is a quick fix to that color initialization, though it will cause you problems if you hope to save a colormap across sysouts':' ' (ADVISE ''COLORMAPOF ''BEFORE ''(SETQ NEWCM T))' ' This temporarily solves the NOBIND problem (NEWCM is an argument sent to COLORMAPOF that isn''t being set properly).' ' Richard, was this problem fixed yet? I believe it cropped up back in March, and you had fixed it for the next release, which would be now.' ' --Ken.' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 28-Jun-84 14':43':04 Attn: Feuerman.pasa Assigned To: Feuerman.pasa In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Color Machine: 1100 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Hopefully Status: Open Problem Type: Bug Source Files: