Number: 1379 Date: 8-Jun-84 10':00':59 Submitter: Source: Subject: u.b.a. EFF in (CONSTANTEXPRESSIONP ''(FMEMB X ''(A B))) Assigned To: Masinter Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Harmony Problem Type: Bug Impact: Moderate Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Language Support Subsystem: Compiler, Code Format Machine: 1132 Disk: Lisp Version: 31-May-84 22':31':16 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: [fixed by changing MACROEXPAND. New version of COMP.FMEMB will also fix this more generally hopefully also by Harmony but not as of 29 Jun 84 in system sources]' ["Sannella" "20-Aug-84 18':15':19" Status':(Fixed->Closed) In/By':] Description: Workaround: Test Case: (CONSTANTEXPRESSIONP ''(FMEMB X ''(A B))) Edit-By: Sannella Edit-Date: 20-Aug-84 18':15':19