Number: 1316 Date: 1-Jun-84 15':58':39 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: New Tedit Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 25 May 84 14':07 PDT' From':' Subject': -----New TEdit Released-----' To': LispFriends↑.pa, TEditFriends↑.pa' cc':, TEditSupport' ' There is a new TEdit available on {Phylum}<Lispcore>Library, and in the latest Full.Sysout on <Lispcore>Next>.' ' The following problems are fixed':' ' 225 Want LISTFILES to deal in TEdit files' 841 TEdit won''t deal with non-local NS printer' 790 Some display lines are blanked' 944 ARG not SELECTION in AR.FORM, menu' 580 Selection underline runs THRU text' 93 TEDIT.NORMALIZECARET not moving far enough' 1017 Lingering Menu window/process after QUIT' 1033 Margins set to -85 by Bravo convert' 890 Menu uncloseable after main window closed' 1018 AR.FORM catatonic marked OBSOLETE' 843 Subscript in TEditMenu doesn''t work' 832 "Can''t Undo" error msg gets erased at once' 1147 Should be able to hardcopy files without TEdit' 1118 Can''t line select in AR editor' 925 (HARDRESET) kills TEdits' 502 TEDIT.INSERT scrolling even when DONTSCROLL=T' 719 Wrong doc for para looks values (CODE changed)' ' ' ----------------' ' Non-AR fixes':' ' --Paragraphs that started with IMAGEOBJs weren''t being formatted right--they didn''t get the usual first-line-of-para treatment.' ' --Selecting in protected areas is a little more clever now.' ' --The display code has been sped up somewhat.' ' --The TEditMenu "Expanded Menu" button should now bring up the menu considerably faster.' ' --GETting a file no longer leaves strings on \OPENFILES.' ' --A number of problems with GETting files that have IMAGEOBJs in them have been fixed. These caused "End of FIle" errors while trying to read character looks.' ' --GETFILEPTR has been fixed to interact with \PEEKBIN right.' ' ' ----------------------------------------' ' The TEdit Implementors' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 1-Jun-84 15':57':53 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Fixed Problem Type: Source Files: