Number: 1298 Date: 1-Jun-84 13':14':21 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Sannella Subject: Want flg on ADDTOFILE so it won''t ask "new file?" question Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 14 May 84 15':47 EDT' From': Denber.wbst' Subject': Lisp': MAKEFILE' To':' Lisp-System-Date': 9-Apr-84 18':28':19' Machine-Type': Dolphin' ' I call MAKEFILE in CALENDAR to save reminders. I''d like this to happen quietly without the need for user intervention. Unfortunately, when the file is first created, you get a TTY window for MOUSE asking "new file?" to which you have to reply yes, and on subsequent saves you get another window with a "Can''t find original version, shall I TCOMPL it instead". Is there any way to avoid this, and if not can I put that in as a request for some future release? Thanks.' ' - Michel' ' -----' ' ' Sender': Sannella.PA' Date': 21 May 84 16':20':50 PDT (Monday)' Subject': Re': Lisp': MAKEFILE' In-reply-to': Denber.wbst''s message of 14 May 84 15':47 EDT' To': Denber.wbst' cc': LispSupport' From':' Reply-To':' ' You want to call MAKEFILE from the user without the need for user intervention. If you call MAKEFILE with the OPTIONS = (C NEW), it will not try to copy old source or compiled code, so you won''t get the "Can''t find original version, shall I TCOMPL it instead" message. Getting rid of the "new file?" message is a little harder. This is generated by the function ADDTOFILE when you try to add a definition to an unknown file. Question': how do you generate the filecoms for the new files? I think that if you just consed them up yourself, and called makefile, that you shouldn''t have any problems.' ' i.e.' ' (PROGN (SETQ FOOCOMS ''((FNS BAR)))' (MAKEFILE ''FOO]' ' Contact me if this doesn''t work...' ' (sorry about taking so long to answer... its been a busy week.)' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Kaplan Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Programming Environment Subsystem: File Package Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Minor Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Design - Impl Source Files: