Number: 1286

Date:  1-Jun-84 12':33':48

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: JFung.pasa

Subject: Want to load from DEI with file [host]<dir>file instead of [host]dir>file

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date':  9 May 84 17':26':47 PDT (Wednesday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Another test try'
cc':, JFung'
Hi Chris, '
I was asked whether it is posible to provide a workaround on the Lisp Installation Tool to accomodate a PUP FTP operation on the DEI/VAX software.  The DEI(Digital Ethernet Interface) is another PUP implementation that runs on VAX''s VMS operating system.'
We run into problem with DEI with a file pathname of [host]<directory>lisp.sysout specified in the "file" paramenter. '
The workaround turns out to be '
[host]directory>lisp.sysout  (note the missing left angle bracket on directory)'
Can I ask you to try this workaround syntax and see whether this will create any incompatability problem on your side.  I.e. if you try to install a file without this "<" will you get any problems.'
Please give this a try on both your 2060 and Unix servers.  Thanx very much.'
Received': from SUMEX-AIM.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 14 MAY 84 22':51':02 PDT'
Date': Mon, 14 May 84 22':50':50 PDT'
From': Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>'
Subject': Re': Another test try'
To': JFung.pasa'
In-Reply-To': Message from "JFung.pasa@XEROX.ARPA" of Wed 9 May 84 17':26':47-PDT'
	I have been on vacation for a week, and didn''t see your last letter'
until today.  I''ll try booting with the bogus syntax off of TOPS20 tomorrow'
or the next day.  There are no < in unix pathnames, so it doesn''t make sense'
to test with that implementation.'
	I don''t think you should have the ILT strip out the < though.'
Users of a bogus implementation of PUP FTP should simply type the'
bogus pathname.  A bug should be explicit or fixed.  Introducing a bug'
into the ILT to hide a bug in the DEI PUP FTP will almost certainly'
come back to haunt you at some point in the future.'
Received': from SUMEX-AIM.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 15 MAY 84 10':11':41 PDT'
Date': Tue, 15 May 84 10':11':01 PDT'
From': Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>'
Subject': Re': Another test try'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc':, Wogulis.pasa'
In-Reply-To': Message from "JFung.pasa@XEROX.ARPA" of Wed 9 May 84 17':26':47-PDT'
	I booted [turing]1100.fugue4>lisp.sysout off of a TOPS-20 this'
morning with success.  I still oppose having the tool strip the <, however.'
Date': 15 May 84 11':48':49 PDT (Tuesday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': Another test try'
In-reply-to': SCHMIDT''s message of Tue, 15 May 84 10':11':01 PDT'
To': Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>'
cc': JFung,, PYoung'
Thanks again Christopher.'
I''ll be in El Segundo this afternoon doing Lisp Tool <-> DEI testing, and hopefully we should know more about this bogus file syntax.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: JFung.pasa

Edit-Date: 20-Jun-84 17':09':39

Attn: JFung.pasa

Assigned To: 


Disposition: Superseded by AR 822

System: Other Software

Subsystem: Installation Utility



Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Everytime

Impact: Annoying

Priority: Hopefully

Status: Superseded

Problem Type: Bug

Source Files: