Number: 1225 Date: 24-May-84 13':40':10 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Ueda.fx Subject: Undefined functions in READSYS': VGETDEF and VBROKENDEF Lisp Version: Fugue.4' Description: ' VEALV and VBROKENDEF are described in "Interlisp-D The Fugue Release", but they are not defined anywhere in READSYS, RDSYS, VMEM or REMOTEVMEM.' ' -----' ' Date': 31 May 84 14':56 PDT' From':' Subject': VEVALV, and friends' To': le.pasa, ueda.fx, raim.pasa, LispSupport' cc': vanMelle' ' I have cleaned up the documentation for READSYS to describe more of the operations of TeleRaid such as they are. The original problem is that the entry was VGETVAL, not VEVALV. ' ' The documentation is still far from wonderful, but a lot better (and more accurate) than what was there before.' ' (I''ve marked AR#1225 as ''fixed'').' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 4-Jun-84 15':11':32 Attn: Raim.pasa Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: Problem was that VGETVAL is the entry, not VEVALV. I fixed the READSYS.TTY documentation. (lmm, 30May84)' System: Operating System Subsystem: Virtual Memory Machine: 1100 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Moderate Priority: Perhaps Status: Fixed Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: