Number: 1202

Date: 21-May-84 20':20':25

Submitter: Sybalsky

Source: Sybalsky

Subject: Want functions to set values in SEL, TEXTOBJ &c with consistency checks 

Lisp Version: 21-May-84 01':21':39

Description: '
Want functions to set values in SEL, TEXTOBJ &c with consistency checks and range fixups'
For example, RRB sets fields in SELECTIONS, and shouldn''t be having to bother with end-of-text boundary checks & the like.  e.g., a function that would do (SET.SELECTION TEXTOBJ SEL CH# CHLIM POINT ....) the right thing.


Test Case: 


Edit-Date: 21-May-84 20':20':25

Attn: Sybalsky, nuyens

Assigned To: 



System: Text

Subsystem: TEdit

Machine: 1132


Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 4096

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Difficulty: Easy

Frequency: Everytime

Impact: Serious

Priority: Absolutely

Status: Open

Problem Type: Performance

Source Files: