Number: 1095 Date: 11-May-84 17':01':47 Submitter: Source: Purcell Subject: Floating Point WITHOUT BOXING Assigned To: Attn: masinter Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Performance Impact: Serious Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Priority: Absolutely System: Language Support Subsystem: Arithmetic Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: [some of this is in the system but untested, the rest doesn''t work.]' ["masinter" "12-Sep-84 16':35':52" Disposition': Description':] Description: Boxing of floating point numbers is a major bottleneck for arithmetic performance affecting many potential users. Possible solutions include compiler changes or lisp representation changes to include immediate floating points.' ' -------' FROM MASINTER' ' for real floatingpoint performance, we need a mode of the ' compiler that uses unboxed numbers on the stack. Now, how to get that?' ' Design': add FIXP, FLOATP declarations. Variables declared that way are ' automatically made localvars and renamed. All access to the variable in ' non-arithmetic cases are made into BOX references (so this can ' NEGATIVELY IMPACT performance because of upward funarg number problem can''t handle any other way).' ' E.g., bind X ← N turns into bind XUNBOX ← (VAG N) ; reference to X turnsinto (LOC X). Optimization, (FPLUS A B) turns into (LOC (UBFPLUS (VAG A)(VAG B))) and (VAG (LOC Z)) turns into Z. The FPLUS transformation should be taken only if A or B are known to be forms which generate LOCs.' ' -----' Date': 24 Aug 84 10':51 PDT' From':' Subject': Turning on unboxed floating point' To': Masinter' ' If we aren''t initially going to compile floating point expression trees into unboxed opcode sequences by default, then setting the following variable to T should cause this effect':' ' UNBOXEDFLOATINGCOMPILEFLG' ' When this variable is T, the intermediate floating point box from the quotient in' (FTIMES (FQUOTIENT X Y) Z) should be suppressed.' ' If Q were declared of type floating then the box of the FTIMES in' (SETQ Q (FTIMES (FQUOTIENT X Y) Z)) would also be suppressed.' ' If M is a FLOATP field of a datatype or blockrecord, then' (replace M of FOO with (SETQ Q (FTIMES (FQUOTIENT X Y) Z)))' should also generate no boxes.' ' If the variable is NIL and Q is declared of type floatp, then I suggest that the compiler act as if the variable were T when compiling the expression whose value was going to be bound to Q.' ' --Ron' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: masinter Edit-Date: 12-Sep-84 16':35':54