Number: 1075 Date: 10-May-84 11':52':44 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: global resource \\BRUSHBBT.GLOBALRESOURCE isn''t initialized Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 9 May 84 13':08 PDT' From':' Subject': Lisp': global resource \\BRUSHBBT.GLOBALRESOURCE broken' To': JonL, Kaplan,' ' Lisp System Date': 9-May-84 09':41':34' Machine': Dorado (Plaza)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Always' Impact': Moderate' Priority': Absolutely' ' ' This one is a bit odd -- it seems like global resources aren''t getting initialized properly. If I run <LispCore>Next>FULL.SYSOUT without ''greeting'' (by deleting INIT.LISP from {DSK} and typing <return> at the prompt), and then load in {Phylum}<LispCore>Library>LOGOCLOCK.DCOM, it breaks with a ARG NOT PILOTBBT, NOBIND error. ' ' I find that the problem is that the call to \GETBRUSHBBT has a BBT argument of NOBIND. By the time I get into it, \\BRUSHBBT.GLOBALRESOURCE is NIL.' ' I don''t know exactly what is going on here, but I assume this is a problem with the new global resource stuff. This is quite reproducable, so see me if you have trouble getting it going.' ' -----' ' Date': 9 May 84 13':46 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': Lisp': global resource \\BRUSHBBT.GLOBALRESOURCE broken' In-reply-to':''s message of 9 May 84 13':08 PDT' To':' cc':,' ' JonL,' ' Could be that we missed recompiling something thru a conspiracy of macros. First thought is to try BCOMPLing ADISPLAY, which can then be loaded up in the current loadup to see if it that fixes the problem.' ' Next thought is that there was some non-standard useage in ADISPLAY that our first findcallers missed (e.g. a RESOURCECONTEXT). If that is the case, the fix is to simply extract from the RESOURCECONTEXT form.' ' Unfortunately, I have to leave now and won''t be in again at least until tomorrow morning, and maybe not until tomorrow night.' ' --Ron ' ' -----' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 17-Aug-84 9':51':52 Attn: Assigned To: Jonl In/By: Disposition: Richard had edited ADISPLAY on 8-May-84 without haveing a current version of EXPORTS.ALL; result was that the globalresources defined on the file were output into the recompiled .dcom file with the old version the globalresource facility. I merely remade and recompiled ADISPLAY. -- JonL 11-May-84. System: Operating System Subsystem: Other Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Absolutely Status: Closed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: