Number: 1050

Date:  9-May-84 13':05':30

Submitter: Sannella.PA


Subject: LispInstallationTool should use full-screen windows (so user can see cursor)

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date':  8 May 84 22':51 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': Background during INSTALL LISP TOOL should NOT BE BLACK!!!!!!!!!!'
cc': '
Lisp System Date':  2-May-84 00':11':18'
Machine': Dorado (Halasz)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 10000'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Fatal'
You simply can''t see the cursor while you are running the Lisp Install Tool.   I gave the lisp install tool to a customer to use and he came back totally confused because he couldn''t figure out how to point to things on the screen. '
Date': 10 May 84 11':40':15 PDT (Thursday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': AR 1050': InstallLispTool should change background from black (so can see cursor)'
In-reply-to': Sannella.PA''s message of 9 May 84 13':07':40 PDT (Wednesday)'
cc': JFung'
Changing background is possible.  However, this wipes out the whole purpose of the jumping DMT on the dark screen.  The whole concept of the jumping DMT is to save the lifetime of the CRT.  This exist to all workstations, Alto, Dlophin, Dlion. '
The Install tool with the Fugue6 version has an enlarged window size, about half screen size.  This should help users locating their cursor.'
Date': 10 May 84 12':32':48 PDT (Thursday)'
From': Sannella.PA'
Subject': Re': AR 1050': InstallLispTool should change background from black (so can see cursor)'
In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 10 May 84 11':40':15 PDT (Thursday)'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc': LispSupport'
I am afraid that I was not clear --- what I want is for the background to change to gray when the installlisptool or the profiletool or the diagnosticstool is brought up, and changed back to black when all of these tools have been Quit-ed.  This saves the phosphere on the screen, and yet allows you to see the cursor when you need it.'
Date': 10 May 84 13':04':10 PDT (Thursday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': AR 1050': InstallLispTool should change background from black (so can see cursor)'
In-reply-to': Sannella.PA''s message of 10 May 84 12':32':48 PDT (Thursday)'
To': Sannella.PA'
cc': JFung, LispSupport.PA'
I dont know an easy way right now.  This sounds to me an wish item if he is really picky about it.  Ask him to try the enlarged window tool then we see whether we still need this feature.   '
Date': 11 MAY 84 23':05 PDT'
Subject': AR#1050, background in install lisp tool'
To':   JFung.pasa'
cc':   Halasz, LispSupport'
It would seem reasonable that the bouncing box go away and the background change entirely to Grey when any of the install tools other windows come up, and make the background black and bring back the bouncing box when the last of the windows (install, diagnostics, etc.) come back.'
It might be that you don''t have to roll your own here but rather just use the standard Tajo but disable Executive, etc. windows and menus, with the Tip table mechanism.'
Date': 18 Jun 84 08':24':34 PDT (Monday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': AR 1050': InstallLispTool should change background from black (so can see cursor)'
In-reply-to': Sannella.PA''s message of 15 Jun 84 16':53':06 PDT (Friday)'
cc': JFung'
One reaon, is I intend to make the tool a concurent process, in that way, one can run LIT and may be a need to run Online-Diag or Profile tool.  Not likely, but would be nice.'
Date': 18 Jun 84 12':24':20 PDT (Monday)'
From': Sannella.PA'
Subject': Re': AR 1050': InstallLispTool should change background from black (so can see cursor)'
In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 18 Jun 84 08':24':34 PDT (Monday)'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc': LispSupport'
Jerry, I think you have priorities confused here.'
Not being able to see the cursor is a MAJOR problem, which confuses new users exceedingly.'
Being able to run the LIT and the profile tool simultaneously, while nice, is nowhere near as important.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 27-Jun-84 15':58':51

Attn: JFung.pasa

Assigned To: 



System: Other Software

Subsystem: Installation Utility



Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Difficulty: Easy

Frequency: Everytime

Impact: Serious

Priority: Absolutely

Status: Open

Problem Type: Design - UI

Source Files: