Number: 989

Date:  4-May-84 13':47':16

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Sannella.PA

Subject: Document conventions for changing fields in AR database

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Sender': Sannella.PA'
Date':  1 May 84 16':02':17 PDT (Tuesday)'
Subject': Re': how to deal with Fixed ar''s'
In-reply-to': vanMelle''s message of 1 May 84 12':01 PDT'
To': vanMelle'
If you set "Assigned to':" to "vanMelle" and set "Attn':" to "Release", it will no longer appear on your summary, but we will still have a record of who is responsible for the AR.'
(eventually, when the tools have been constructed, people will be able to produce summaries of all their ARs, or all that are fixed, or both, so each individual will be able to get what they want (some people want to see the ARs they have fixed))'
Date': Tue, 1 May 84 16':23 PDT'
From': Raim.pasa'
Subject': Adobe'
To': 1100Support'
cc':, Raim'
1.  Please note the availability of Mike Sannella''s Lisp-based Adobe tools.  Thu, please copy them to [rosebowl]<lisp>fugue6.  If they work satisfactorily for you, please consider having 1100Support staff use it for their own submissions.  This may eliminate the need for an 1108 in the Alto Lab.'
2.  Please remember to CLOSE those AR''s which deserve closing.  E.g., Judy''s reply to Sig Porter was based on a previously open AR entry.  It should now be closed.'
Date':  2 May 84 10':59':09 PDT (Wednesday)'
Subject': Re': Adobe'
In-reply-to': Raim.pasa''s message of Tue, 1 May 84 16':23 PDT'
To': Raim.pasa'
cc': 1100Support.pasa,'
1) you are welcome to transfer the Lisp-based adobe tools down to [rose], but be warned that they do not work with the version of Tedit released with Fugue.6.'
2) You should not be marking ARs as CLOSED.  If they are fixed, mark them FIXED, but they should not be marked closed until they are officially released.'
Date':  1 MAY 84 19':53 PDT'
Subject': handling of ARs'
To':   1100Support'
cc':   LispSupport'
Lets make sure we establish written procedures for dealing with the ARs and that they get sent to everybody. It may be that various people are handling situations differently. (We''ve taken the view that ''Closed'' at this point means fixed in Fugue.6, right?)'
Date':  2 May 84 12':24':33 PDT (Wednesday)'
From': Sannella.PA'
Subject': How to handle ARs'
To': LispCore↑.pa'
cc': 1100Support.pasa, LispSupport, Sannella'
Recently, several people have asked me questions about how they should deal with their ARs.  The document {phylum}<lispars> explains the meanings of the various fields to some extent, but not the procedures to use when CHANGING these fields.  Here are some guidelines':'
When an AR is first submitted to the database, the "Attn':" field should be set to the name of the person responsible for the AR, so that this AR will appear on his AR summary.  In the case of urgent problems, the text of the message should be forwarded (via mail) to this person.  All new ARs should be submitted with Status = New, so that I can screen them for correct system/subsystem and attn fields.'
When an AR has your name in the Attn field, it willl appear on your summary.  You should periodically review this summary for new ARs.  If an AR should be assigned to someone else, change the Attn field (sending a mail message to the new recipient, if it is an important problem).  You may also want to modify the Difficulty, Impact, etc fields.'
If a new AR appears that is just a repeat of an old AR, you may want to combine them.  This is done by setting the status of one AR to Superseded, and adding "(superseded by AR xx)" to the Subject field.  Which of the two ARs should be superseded is up to you.  You may also want to copy text from the superseded AR to the "Main" AR.'
As you work on an AR, you may send and recieve messages about it.  It is a good idea to append these messages to the "Description" field of the AR, so that there is a record of the correspondence.'
If the AR description does not contain enough information for you to do anything, change the status to Incomplete, and correspond with the source of the AR to resolve the problem (adding the correspondence to the AR, of course).'
If the problem does not seem to be a real problem, you may want to change its status to Declined.  Please send a message telling the source why the AR was declined.  Try to be polite --- just saying "your problem has been declined" can lead to charges of impersonal support staff, etc. '
Note': in some cases, the source of an AR may be an outside customer.  In this case, any correspondence on an AR (request for more info, etc) should go through 1100Support.pasa.'
When an AR has been fixed, you can change the status to Fixed, and send a message to the source (if it is important fix).  You should also set the "Assigned to':" to your name, so that there is a record of who actually did the fix.  If you don''t want the fixed AR to show up on your summary, you may change "Attn" field to "Release".'
Note': Marking an AR as Fixed does not mean that it has been released to anyone yet --- it just means that you believe that you have taken care of the problem.  The release master will use the text of the "Fixed" ARs to create the release message, and marked them "Closed" when the next release is released.'
Date':  2 May 84 13':02':43 PDT (Wednesday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to': Sannella.PA''s message of 2 May 84 12':24':33 PDT (Wednesday)'
To': Sannella.PA'
cc': LispCore↑.pa, 1100Support, LispSupport.PA'
	"You should periodically review this summary for new ARs." '
I assume once a week is a reasonable time to view the summary.  I saw you sometimes generated more frequent than that.  Can you explain to me the use/meaning of   Are these the action items for next week or for next release?  In other words what do one do if your AR is in the ActionItemSummary?  '
	Just for your information, I believe we are using "Attn" & "Assigned to" fields differently than the rest AR systems, but I have no objection to your rule.  Thanx.'
Date': Wed, 2 May 84 14':27 PDT'
From': Sannella.PA'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to': "JFung.pasa''s message of 2 May 84 13':02':43 PDT (Wednesday)"'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc': Sannella, LispCore↑, 1100Support.pasa, LispSupport'
Once a week is a reasonable time to print out and scan your summaries, PROVIDING that people are good about sending messages when they submit urgent ARs.'
' is a summary of ARs with high priority and high impact, which Beau Sheil asked me to generate.  You don''t have to do anything with this summary.'
Addenda to "How to handle ARs" message':  When you combine two messages by marking one as Status=Superseded, change the Attn': field of the superseded AR to nil (i.e. delete all names).'
Date':  3 May 84 12':09 PDT'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to': Sannella.PA''s message of Wed, 2 May 84 14':27 PDT'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc': LispCore↑.PA, 1100Support.pasa'
You asked "What to do if one of your AR''s shows up on ActionItemSummary"'
Mike replied': " is a summary of ARs with high priority and high impact...  You don''t have to do anything with this summary."'
Mike is only partially right. If one of your AR''s is on ActionItemSummary, you FIX IT.'
Date':  3 May 84 12':51':33 PDT (Thursday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to':''s message of 3 May 84 12':09 PDT'
cc': JFung,,, Pahlavan'
Thanks.  That is what I thought':  ARs on ActionItemSummary HAVE TOP priority and should be taken care first.  I just want to stay on track with this.'
I am aslo concerned and interested to learn how current PRIORITY are set.  For example, when people generated AR for my attention, who gets to set that priority.  Thu Le(local adminstrator), the source,  you floks at PARC?  What happen if source comes from outside customers?  And what role does the "attn" people play on this?   I dont mind which way, but seriously I like to know the RULE, so no party gets upset or unhappy.'
Date':  4 May 84 12':05 PDT'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 3 May 84 12':51':33 PDT (Thursday)'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc': sannella,, Pahlavan.pasa'
"I am also concerned and interested to learn how current PRIORITY are set."'
In the limit, I set them. Informally, I consult with Marty and also Marketing for the amount of pain that is being caused by a particular problem. Eventually this should all get more formal than it is now.'
It is less of a problem that it might seem b/c there is rarely any disagreement among a collection of Lisp programmers as to the priority of some feature. When there is, I consult with the people who are concenred and resolve it.'
If you disagree with a priority setting of one of your bugs (or some else''s, for that matter), msg me and LispSupport requesting a priority change. Generally, it''s only worth doing this if it would make a major change to the schedule at which things get done. For minor bugs, it''s easier to fix them than to argue about them.'
Date':  7 May 84 17':45':05 PDT (Monday)'
From': Masinter.PA'
Subject': Re': How to handle ARs'
In-reply-to': Sannella''s message of 2 May 84 12':24':33 PDT (Wednesday)'
To': Sannella'
cc': LispSupport'
Will you edit your remarks on How to handle ARs into the ''Implementors Guide''? As a document for new members of LispCore↑?'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 20-May-84 12':07':42


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