Number: 951

Date:  3-May-84 15':48':01

Submitter: vanMelle

Source: vanMelle

Subject: Want ability to control cc':ing of self

Assigned To: 

Attn: vanMelle

Status: Open


Problem Type: Design - UI

Impact: Annoying

Difficulty: Moderate


Priority: Unlikely

System: Text

Subsystem: Lafite

Machine: 1132


Lisp Version:  2-May-84 00':11':18

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 4096

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 


Description: '
Date':  3 May 84 10':53 PDT'
Subject': Lafite': Settable self CC desired'
Lafite System Date':  8-Apr-84 17':20':45'
Lisp System Date':  2-May-84 00':11':18'
Machine': Dorado (ARI-Project)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 10000'
Impact': Minor '
	It may be the case that the constant self-CC can be turned off by some profile parameter or other.  (However, I can''t find it in the manual.)  If not, it should be.'
	In any case, whatever the default is (i.e., always self-CC currently) there shoule be a sending mode that will override it.  So, for example, if your profile says "always self-cc" then there should be a way to select send-without-self-cc.  Likewise, if your default is "never-self-cc" then there should be a way to send with self-cc. '
	It''s a little problematic as to how one would provide this.  It seems to me that the simplest thing is to have two sorts of DELIVER at the top of the mail edit window.  However, your current scheme puts in the CC field before getting to the mail edit window.  Therefore, it either needs to be added post facto (at delivery time) which probably requires duplicating or rearranging a lot of internal in Lafite, or else it has to be selected at SEND-MAIL mousing time.  But, how could you have a CC and NO-CC version of all the different ways in which mail can be sent (forward, send, etc)?  I''m not sure what the answer to this is, how about left-mouse meaning self-cc and right-mouse meaning no-self-cc.  If you blow it, there''s always the hard way of editing the CC field in the header.'
	Thanks for thinking about it.'
-- Jeff'
Date':  3 May 84 15':01 PDT'
Subject': Re': Lafite': Settable self CC desired'
In-reply-to':''s message of 3 May 84 10':53 PDT'
No, there isn''t a profile parameter for saying you don''t want yourself cc''ed.  I''ll submit an AR request for such a profile parameter, though you may find you don''t want it.  Twenex mail systems such as MSG and MM have an option for putting a copy of your message into a local file; people who are used to such systems (I was one) may at first dislike having the message cc''ed to themselves instead, but I for one got used to it pretty fast, and now prefer that.  It tends to keep messages and responses near each other.'
As for the second part of your message, what to do to override the default': it''s quite simple.  It''s called "editing the header of the message".  Just manually delete the "cc': Shrager" line (a deftly executed ctrl-delete in the left margin of the message does this nicely).'
Date':  3 May 84 15':13 PDT'
No no no.  You''ve entirely missed the point.'
Of course I know that you can edit the header of the message.  How do you think I''ve been getting the CCs out of it this far in my use of the system?!  However, this is about 3 seconds of effort versus the 1/10th second that selecting a different menu item takes. (And don''t give me "What''s 3 seconds?"!)'
The main problem is that I forget to do it or don''t think of it. Then new mail appears which takes effort and time to read only to find out that it''s a silly CC to myself which I didn''t want anyhow.  If this were an explicit option it would be natural as a decision in normal service of mailing.'
Also, about MM, the CMUA mailer appends the self-copied message directly to your mail file, which even better satisfies your requirements of closeness together of mail and replies.'
Hope this clarifies the problem.'
Date':  3 May 84 15':28 PDT'
I would say your original message gives a good explanation of why editing the header is the right way to do it.  You either have to have a Deliver button that offers to cc (or not cc, if the default was to cc), or you have to modify all the menu items that could possibly compose a message.  Three seconds of user effort to override the default is EASILY worth it compared to hairing up the user interface with more menu buttons.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: vanMelle

Edit-Date: 25-May-84 12':09':20