Number: 929

Date:  2-May-84 12':48':17

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: DonWinter.pasa

Subject: Loadup process should reset DEFAULTREGISTRY

Assigned To:


Status: Closed

In/By: Carol

Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Annoying

Difficulty: Easy

Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Perhaps

System: Other Software

Subsystem: Other



Lisp Version: 

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "22-Aug-84 17':46':59" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed) In/By':]

Description: '
Redistributed': Xerox1100UsersGroup↑.PA'
Received': from SUMEX-AIM.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 20 APR 84 20':23':44 PST'
Date': Fri, 20 Apr 84 19':59':31 PST'
From': Eric Schoen <Schoen@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>'
Subject': Bug in Fugue.6 login'
To': 1100users@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA'
We received Fugue.6 recently, and discovered a minor bug in LOGIN.'
If there was no NETWORKOSTYPES entry for a host in our environment,'
LOGIN insisted on appending ".pa" onto usernames.  Creating a'
NETWORKOSTYPES entry for a machine whose value was TOPS-20 or VMS'
solved the problem.'
Date': 22 APR 84 00':41 PST'
Subject': login problems?'
To':   Schoen@sumex-aim'
cc':   1100Support.pasa, LispCore↑'
I think the problem is that you are setting DEFAULTREGISTRY to PA in one of your init files. '
Login appends a registry only if DEFAULTREGISTRY is non-NIL. (This is a feature only of use to internal Xerox users.) '
The value of DEFAULTREGISTRY should be NIL in the standard sysout. '
There were some versions of our local init file distributed as ''examples'' of what a site-dependent initialization file might look like. In that file, we set DEFAULTREGISTRY to PA. '
Maybe that line got into your SDRC init?'
If I''m right, you mmight want to send a clarification to 1100Users.'
Redistributed': Xerox1100UsersGroup↑.PA'
Received': from SUMEX-AIM.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 27 APR 84 00':38':27 PST'
Received': from Xerox.ARPA by SUMEX-AIM.ARPA with TCP; Fri 27 Apr 84 00':12':26-PST'
Received': from by ; 26 APR 84 23':45':06 PST'
Date': 26 Apr 84 23':15':57 PST'
Subject': oversight, not arrogance'
To': DonWinter.pasa'
cc': 1100Users@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA'
During the loadup process, a number of site-dependent variables have to'
be set for the loadup of the system to proceed (locations of files and'
Part of the loadup process is then to ''put back'' those variables which'
got set merely for the duration of creating the sysout. DEFAULTREGISTRY'
apparently got forgotten.'
Date': 26-Apr-84 23':59':11 PST'
Subject': Re': Making loadups'
In-reply-to': Raim.pasa''s message of Wed, 25 Apr 84 14':06 PST'
To': Raim.pasa'
cc': lispsupport'
most of the patchups to put sysouts back in clean state are in the function ENDLOADUP on APUTDQ. That''s where setting DEFAULTREGISTRY should be, too.'
(and maybe resetting LISPXHISTORY)'
Date': Fri, 27 Apr 84 10':05 PST'
From': Raim.pasa'
Subject': Re': Making loadups'
In-reply-to': "MASINTER.PA''s message of 26-Apr-84 23':59':11 PST"'
cc': Raim, lispsupport.PA'
Thanks.  A crucial piece of info unknown to me.  It''s time I spent more time learning the correct procedure for doing loadups.'
(JonL has updated ENDLOADUP to set DEFAULTREGISTRY to NIL.)'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 22-Aug-84 17':47':00