Number: 919 Date: 1-May-84 18':57':48 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Dering.pasa Subject: New PROMETHEUS.SCRIPT -- fixes bug w/ installing from 5-floppies to bootlisp Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 19 Apr 84 09':56 PST' From': Dering.pasa' Subject': PROMETHEUS.SCRIPT' To': LispSupport.PA' cc': Dering.pasa,Sannella.PA,1100Support.pasa,' ' Mike,' ' There is an updated version of prometheus.script on {rose}<lisp>fugue6> dated April 19. This script fixes a bug with installing a sysout from floppy on the bootlisp volume.' ' Prometheus.script should be updated on the Installation Utility. I will create a new "InstallationUtility.floppy" as soon as I have an 1108 available.' ' Judy' ' -----' ' Date': 19 Apr 84 16':33':49 PST (Thursday)' From': Sannella.PA' Subject': Re': PROMETHEUS.SCRIPT' In-reply-to': Dering.pasa''s message of 19 Apr 84 09':56 PST' To': Dering.pasa' cc': LispSupport, Sannella, 1100Support.pasa, Hausladen' ' I have transfered the April 19 version from [rose]<lisp>fugue6>PROMETHEUS.SCRIPT to [phylum]<lispcore>next>Lisp.PrometheusScript' ' -----' ' Date': 15 May 84 09':42':09 PDT (Tuesday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': Re': Exception report' In-reply-to': <15May84.092428.AL60@CMU-CS-A.ARPA>' To': Alan.Lesgold@CMU-CS-A.ARPA (N981AL60)' cc':, 1100Support,' ' Alan,' ' Thanks for your comment. In deed the response to different volumes to extra disks are standardized for next release.' ' ' Jerry Fung' ' ==========================' Return-Path': AL60@CMU-CS-A.ARPA' Received': from CMU-CS-A.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 15 MAY 84 06':51':52 PDT' Date': 15 May 84 09':24 EDT (Tuesday)' From': Alan.Lesgold@CMU-CS-A.ARPA (N981AL60)' To': 1100users.pasa' Subject': Exception report' CC':' Message-Id': <15May84.092428.AL60@CMU-CS-A.ARPA>' Resent-To': 1100support.pasa' Resent-From': Alan.Lesgold@CMU-CS-A.ARPA (N981AL60)' Resent-Date': 15 May 84 0942 EDT (Tuesday)' ' ' ' The installation utility has an interesting quirk. When trying to install' a 5-disk sysout, e.g., loops, on BOOTLISP, a prompt appears saying' (more) ' after the third disk has been read, but I haven''t figured out what I can say that' will keep the installation going through the other 2 disks. In contrast,' when installing onto LISP volume, it specifically prompts for ANOTHER DISK' after disk 3 is read. BOOTLISP has plenty of room for the LOOPS sysout. It is' 9400 blocks and bootlisp is 13000 blocks. Perhaps when time permits, the response' of different volumes to extra disks should be standardized.' --Alan' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 1-Jun-84 12':38':43 Attn: Release Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Fixed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: