Number: 895 Date: 1-May-84 12':49':14 Submitter: Sybalsky Source: Sybalsky Subject: Document PRINTFILETYPES, PRINTERTYPES Lisp Version: Description: These don''t seem to be documented, according to IMNAME.' ' -----' ' Date': 1 Jun 84 14':27':37 PDT (Friday)' From': Sannella.PA' Subject': Documentation on PRINTERTYPES' To':' cc': le.pasa, ' ' Larry -- I think that it would be a good idea to have complete though confusing documentation on PRINTERTYPES somewhere (not necessarily in --- perhaps in the implementers guide? Do you have such a document already? Could we send it to Shulman?' ' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------' Date': 1 Jun 84 11':39 PDT' From':' Subject': printing documentation' To': Sannella, LispSupport, Kaplan, Sybalsky, Nuyens' ' I''ve edited the documentation for printing a bit. I included SEND.FILE.TO.PRINTER and CONVERT.FILE.TO.TYPE.FOR.PRINTER taken out the references to EMPRESS and MAKEINTERPRESS and MAKEPRESS.' ' I left the description of the format of PRINTFILETYPES and PRINTERTYPES fairly vague -- I feel torn between complete information and confusing detail.' ' Feel free to give another shot on this -- it is <LispManual>IDHARDCOPY.IM.' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------' ' Date': 1 Jun 84 15':57':06 PDT (Friday)' From': le.pasa' Subject': Help !!!' To':' cc': le.pasa' ' Michael,' ' Do you know the answer for this? Your input is greatly appreciated.' ' Thu' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------' Return-Path': <SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA>' Received': from RUTGERS.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 25 MAY 84 10':11':06 PDT' Date': 25 May 84 13':11':18 EDT' From': Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA>' Subject': Printer documentation requested' To': 1100support.PA,' cc': SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA' ' ' Can someone please send me COMPLETE documentation of the new' PRINTERTYPES list, what goes on it and what does what. The sources' to FXPRINTER and PRINTER are of some help but not much beyond that (i.e.' looking at the variable PRINTERTYPES reveals many more options than these' two files use.) Thanks.' ' Jeff' ----------------------------------------------------------------' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: masinter.PA Edit-Date: 13-Jul-84 17':55':45 Attn: Documentation Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Printing Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Absolutely Status: Open Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: