Number: 874 Date: 30-Apr-84 13':23':35 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Doc': arg to RESET.INTERRUPTS can be list of (CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG) Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 26 Apr 84 00':27 PST' Sender':' Subject': Lisp': RESET.INTERRUPTS problems' To':' From':' cc':' ' Lisp System Date': 8-Apr-84 18':02':02' Machine': Dorado (DewDrop)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Always' Impact': Moderate' ' According to page 9.18, the first argument to argument to RESET.INTERRUPTS should be a list of interrupt character settings of the form (CHAR . TYP/FORM). There are some problems':' ' (RESET.INTERRUPTS' (LIST (CONS (CHARCODE ↑C) ''FOOBAR)))' ' will cause "Undefined interrupt - 3 - disabling" to be printed in the prompt window when ↑C is typed.' ' (RESET.INTERRUPTS' (LIST (LIST (CHARCODE ↑C) ''FOOBAR)))' ' has the same effect as' ' (INTERRUPTCHAR (CHARCODE ↑C) ''FOOBAR)' ' i.e., it immediately sets FOOBAR to T whenever ↑c is typed.' ' and' ' (RESET.INTERRUPTS' (LIST (LIST (CHARCODE ↑C) ''(NILL))))' ' causes a "Shouldn''t happen!" under INTERRUPTED whenever ↑C is typed.' ' Workaround': Use INTERRUPTCHAR.' ' Other deficiency': it would seem that there is no way to specify the HARDFLG on RESET.INTERRUPTS. Why not allow the items to have the full generality; i.e.,' ' (CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG)' ' ' ---Jim' ' -----' ' Date': 26 Apr 84 12':08 PST' From':' Subject': Re': Lisp': RESET.INTERRUPTS problems' In-reply-to':''s message of 26 Apr 84 00':27 PST' To':' cc':' ' This is a bug in the documentation -- the full generality of the form is' (CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG)' rather than what''s in the manual -- (CHAR . TYP/FORM).' ' Need an AR on documentation?' ' -----' ' Date': 27 Apr 84 09':52 PST' From':' Subject': RESET.INTERRUPTS' To': JONL' cc':, LispSupport' ' Perhaps my problem report should become two ARs --- one for the documentation, and one for the system (which definitely *doesn''t* work, as documented or otherwise).' ' ---Jim' ' -----' ' Date': 27 Apr 84 11':09 PST' From':' Subject': Re': RESET.INTERRUPTS' In-reply-to':''s message of 27 Apr 84 09':52 PST' To':' cc':,' ' According to my test, RESET.INTERRUPTS works as documented, except for the glitch that the documentation has a wrong "." between two items of the list. Do you know of another problems?' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Jonl Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Language Support Subsystem: Stack and Interpreter Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: