Number: 860

Date: 27-Apr-84 16':39':31

Submitter: Sybalsky

Source: Sybalsky

Subject: Caret flashes outside window after RESHAPE

Assigned To: 

Attn: Burton

Status: Fixed


Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Moderate

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Hopefully

System: Windows and Graphics

Subsystem: Window System



Lisp Version: 26-APR-84 11':50

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["" "28-Aug-84 14':54':26" Status':(Open->Fixed) Description':]

Description: In a fresh sysout, try the following':  Get the caret in the TTY window down to about mid window.  Now reshape the TTY window, by moving the lower right corner, ''til it is shorter than the distance between the caret and the bottom of the window.  Watch the caret flash in the background of the screen.'
Date': 29 Apr 84 00':03 PST'
Subject': Re': AR#860': Caret flashes outside window after RESHAPE'
To': Sybalsky, Burton'
cc': LispSupport'
It''s odd, all right, but I rather think it''s a feature.  In the past, you couldn''t see the caret at all, and it was puzzling not to see your typein!  ':-)'
Of course, if the place the caret flashed appeared to be in another window you could conceivably type to, this would be confusing.  And one might argue that the reshape ought to move so that typein is always visible.  But there are other places than just Reshape.  E.g., if you are typing into the Dedit typein buffer and it overflows and you do something that causes the caret to be "above" the window, you''ll also get this funny behavior.  Nice to know where the sucker went.'
Date':  2 May 84 10':36 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': Strange window glitch'
Lisp System Date':  2-May-84 00':11':18'
Machine': Dolphin (Duchamp)'
Microcode version': 24,1'
Memory size': 10000'
Frequency': Once'
Impact': Serious'
Upon booting today''s loadup, I reshaped my typescript window to get the annoying bugger out of the way.  I reshaped it by moving the bottom edge up.  Zut Alors!  All of a sudden, the caret started blinking at me from '
my Lafite browser, which was above my typescript window.  Typing visibly moved the caret, butdid not print on the other window.  Executing a CLEARW in the top-level window restored the cursor to its rightful place.  The caret left droppings on a few windows and the background.'
Date':  2 May 84 12':27 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': Caret locating after reshaping CHAT window'
To':, Burton, Vanmelle'
Lisp System Date': 26-Apr-84 18':56':44'
Machine': Dorado (Ahwahnee)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 10000'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Moderate'
I reshaped a chat window to make it smaller, and afterwards found that the caret (which had been in the Chat window) was now blinking at some other random place in another window.  In fact, on a second attempt at reshaping, I the caret ended up blinking in the title region of the chat window.'
Date':  2 May 84 12':29 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': More on caret and chat'
To':, Vanmelle, Burton'
Actually, when I then typed into Chat with the caret in the title bar, the caret moved along in the title bar but my characters didn''t show.  After a cr or two, I finally got the caret and typing into the window proper.'
I fixed RESHAPE to scroll the window so as to keep the current position in the new shape.'


Test Case: 


Edit-Date: 28-Aug-84 14':54':26