Number: 793

Date: 23-Apr-84 14':27':56

Submitter: Sannella.PA


Subject: InstallLispTool should be able to load from Floppy (setting large vmem)

Assigned To: 

Attn: JFung.pasa

Status: Open


Problem Type: Design - Impl

Impact: Serious

Difficulty: Hard

Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Absolutely

System: Other Software

Subsystem: Installation Utility



Lisp Version: 

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 


Description: '
If it was possible to load the floppy directly using the InstallLispTool, it could create a large vmem file (as large as the whole volume) so that you wouldn''t have the problem of the vmem expanding over bad blocks.'
Date': 24 Apr 84 16':20 PST'
Subject': Re': AR 793': InstallLispTool should be able to load Floppy'
To': JFung.pasa'
My understanding is that the InstallTool cannot load a sysout from a set of floppies.'
Therefore, most users load floppy sets using Prometheus or some such utility.'
Unfortunately, Prometheus sets the file length when it is done to the length of the file read from the floppy. '
Lisp expands the VMEM within the Pilot file boundaries as long as it can, but then by sequential disk addresses (precisely BECAUSE so many sysouts are intalled by Prometheus and thus have no room within their containing Pilot file).'
Unfortunately, that means that a bad page can get written into by Lisp vmem extension.'
If one could use the InstallTool to load a sysout from a set of floppies, then it would do what it currently does for sysouts from file servers, i.e., write the sysout into the overly long vmem file and then not truncate the file length when done. Thus, Lisp vmem extension would take place within the Pilot file, avoiding any bad page blocks that Pilot might have found when it (you) created that file.'
Date':  4 May 84 12':45 PDT'
Subject': Re': ARS 135 AND 793'
In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 4 May 84 09':01':12 PDT (Friday)'
To': JFung.pasa'
I urge you if you work on AR#793 to do the following': make the install tool recognize installing from'
or just'
instead of [fileserver]<directory>filename.sysout'
to mean, read from Floppy.'
Date':  4 May 84 13':05':19 PDT (Friday)'
From': JFung.pasa'
Subject': Re': ARS 135 AND 793'
In-reply-to':''s message of 4 May 84 12':45 PDT'
cc': JFung,,'
That is indeed a good reason of keeping loading floppy from Promethus script.  '
I like your idea of using "[floppy]lisp.sysout".  Thanks.  I was bothered to come up with a good command name, I''ve thought of putting into the Floopy window, something like Floopy-In.  '
How about I add FLOPPY into FileServer': {IFS, NS, FLOPPY}, and selecting FLOOPY and click Install File implies to read from floppy device.  I think this interface is much cleaner.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: jfung.pasa

Edit-Date: 26-Jun-84 14':25':06