Number: 777

Date: 19-Apr-84 15':39':17

Submitter: Masinter.PA


Subject: EVALHOOK documentation doesn''t explain about # on LITATOMs

Assigned To: 


Status: Closed

In/By: Harmony

Problem Type: Documentation

Impact: Minor


Frequency: Everytime


System: Language Support

Subsystem: Stack and Interpreter

Machine: 1100


Lisp Version: 

Source Files: EVALHOOK

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella" "20-Aug-84 19':06':56" Status':(Fixed->Closed) In/By':]

Description: Return-Path': DONC@USC-ISIF'
Received': from USC-ISIF (USC-ISIF.ARPA) by Xerox.ARPA ; 19 APR 84 13':52':27 PST'
Date': 19 Apr 84 13':22':07 PST'
Subject': Re': LispUsers packages'
From': Don.Cohen <DONC@USC-ISIF.ARPA>'
In-Reply-To': (Message from "" of 18 Apr 84 14':44 PST)'
Well, I''ve tried tracein with evalhook.  In doing so, I found a few bugs,'
so you should probably get the new TRACEIN and TRACEIN.TTY from isif<DonC>.'
In general it seems to work now.  The documentation change just says that'
evalhook is available in interlisp-d (and how to get it).  The default value'
of WATCH-EVALHOOK is now T regardless of system type - I depend on EVALHOOK'
not being a defined function to keep it inactive in systems without evalhooks.'
One difference I notice is that your version is not activated on atoms.  Thus'
on the vax one sees lines like X=2 and on the dolphin one does not.  I don''t'
think it''s a big deal for stepping purposes, but if one thinks evalhook is'
something to affect every eval, this is wrong.'
Another interesting point is that after intalling evalhook, the next thing'
typed to the toplevel gives undefined function NOBIND.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella

Edit-Date: 20-Aug-84 19':06':56