Number: 774 Date: 19-Apr-84 15':19':17 Submitter: Masinter.PA Source: lichtenberg.wbst Subject: Need more room on IOPage for RS232 Lisp Version: Description: ' From': lichtenberg.wbst' Date': 19-Apr-84 11':27':49 EST' Subject': Vmem page 0 locations?' To':' cc':,,,' ' ' ' Steve & Company':' ' I have run into a problem with the RS232 package. It looks' like the IOP wants some of that preciious page 0 stuff that' Kelly needed for his floppy code.' ' I need about 16 words (that should cover most types of IOCBs' and other things that RS232 can receive) Are there 16 words' to spare? If not, (Kelly) is there anything I can do to check' if FLOPPY is using those words, so I can go in and use them? (I hope' it doesn''t come to that, since it will cause problems using both FLOPPY ' and the RS232 stuff at the same time).' ' Thanks,' ' /Mitch.' ' -----' ' Date': 25 Apr 84 17':24 PST' From':' Subject': AR774' To': LISPSUPPORT' ' I already sent a message back to Mitch & recipients of the original msg describing 16 words next to FLOPPY''s 16 words that should be available for RS232. I''ve deleted my original response, maybe one of the other recipients still has it. Status ← Fixed.' Kelly' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 17-Aug-84 11':08':05 Attn: Assigned To: Roach In/By: Disposition: System: Operating System Subsystem: DLion Floppy Machine: 1108 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious Priority: Hopefully Status: Closed Problem Type: Design - Impl Source Files: