Number: 768 Date: 18-Apr-84 17':26':21 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Masinter Subject: Document CAR/CDRERR Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 11 Apr 84 20':37 PST' From':' Subject': MTBF on CAR/CDRERR' To': Masinter' cc': LispSupport,' ' I can''t go for more than about 30 seconds. Until the bugs in INFILECOMS? and the CLISPWORD props are fixed, I''ve no hope of generating more of the CAR/CDRERR errors because I can''t run long enough to get beyond these.' ' -----' ' Date': 17 Apr 84 15':56 PST' From':' Subject': Re': MTBF on CAR/CDRERR' In-reply-to':''s message of 11 Apr 84 20':37 PST' To':' cc': LispCore↑,' ' BTW, I added a ''hack'' to the ufns for CAR and CDR which might allow us to still ''error'' on illegal CARs and CDRs in the case where they would otherwise yield infinite loops':' ' CAR/CDRERR=NIL, T act as before' ' any other value, e.g., (SETQ CAR/CDRERR ''ONCE), then' ' attempt to take CAR or CDR of a string causes an error' attempt to take CAR or CDR of any other non-NIL non-LISTP returns the string "{cxr of non-list}" as before.' ' This gives a one-shot, which takes care of a lot of the careless ones, but disallows loops. ' ' This isn''t meant as a long-term solution, but allows one to work long enough with CAR/CDRERR set on to get some work done.' ' Once we can survive long enough with this flag set on, we can track down the more frequent errors too.' ' OVERFLOW(T) is reportedly working reasonably lately, btw.' ' -----' ' Date': 24 Jun 84 20':38 PDT' From':' Subject': [': Re': CAR/CDRERR]' To':' cc':,' ' I thought there was an AR for this one; if there is, I should also be attn''d. Looks like we have two things to do':' 1) fix more places in the system that crash when CAR/CDRERR is T' 2) document CAR/CDRERR' ' -- JonL --' ----- Begin Forwarded Messages -----' ' Date': 24 Jun 84 19':41 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': CAR/CDRERR' In-reply-to':''s message of 24 Jun 84 19':26 PDT' To':' cc':,' ' I just looked through the "Interlisp-D Specifics" section and I found no mention of CAR/CDRERR. I also looked near CAR and CDR documentation, and around error handling sections. It really doesn''t seem to be in there.' ' -- Rich' ' ----- End Forwarded Messages -----' ' From':' Date': 25-Jun-84 1':54':49 PDT' Subject': Re': [': Re': CAR/CDRERR]' In-reply-to': JonL''s message of 24 Jun 84 20':38 PDT' To': JonL' cc': LispSupport, Masinter, Acuff' ' I hadn''t intended to document it until you could do something with it besides crash.' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: masinter.PA Edit-Date: 20-Jul-84 14':16':46 Attn: Documentation Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: [this is a FIX not a bug. I changed status to Fixed, Attn to Release.] System: Language Support Subsystem: Storage Formats/Mgt Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Hopefully Status: Open Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: