Number: 694 Date: 13-Apr-84 13':50':21 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA Subject: New LispUsers Package': PRINTOUT Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 28 Mar 84 13':33 PST' From': Wogulis.pasa' Subject': New PRINTOUT functions' To': Sannella.PA' cc': Wogulis.pasa' ' This is now on {ROSE}<LISPUSERS>PRINTOUT, do you want me to move it to phylum? This message announces the package to you. Here is the original message':' ' ---------------------------' ' Received': from RUTGERS.ARPA by PARC-MAXC.ARPA; 27 FEB 84 17':13':14 PST' Date': 27 Feb 84 20':13':14 EST' From': Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA>' Subject': New PRINTOUT functions' To': raim.pasa' cc': SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA' ' ' The new PRINTOUT stuff is ready to be beaten on. It is in' <SHULMAN.XEROX>PRINTOUT. When you are satisfied with them you should' replace the stuff in DWIM with these.' ' The new things are':' ' * PRINTPARA now uses pixel positioning when printing to displaystreams.' * Bitmaps are now incorporated as a printout form. This new form' is .BM <before> <descent> <bitmap> which is implemented by the' function PRINTBM. <before> is the amount to scroll up the' displaystream before bitmap is displayed. NIL means don''t' scroll, T means scroll the amount the bitmap extends above the' top of the current line, a number means scroll that amount above' the top of the current line. <descent> is how far below the current' line to BITBLT the bitmap. The window is scrolled up if there is' not enough room. The following line printed will be printed so' it doesn''t overlap the bitmap. NIL means don''t descend, a number' means descend that amount. <bitmap> is the bitmap to print.' ' The displaystream is left at the same Y position it was before the' BITBLT and advanced the width of the bitmap. If the bitmap is' too wide to fit a new line is generated.' ' ' Let me know what you think.' ' Jeff' -------' ' Date': 28 Mar 84 18':05 PST' From':' Subject': Re': [Wogulis.pasa': New PRINTOUT functions]' In-reply-to':''s message of 28 Mar 84 13':53 PST' To':' cc':,' ' In general, we would like 1100Support to graciously accept LispUsers packages from users and redistribute them if they have any semblance of being reasonably useful. The need to obtain (and file) the appropriate permission to redistribute, etc.' ' This particular one sounds like a good addition to LispUsers.' ' 1100Support has write access to [phylum]<LispUsers>.' ' -----' ' Date': 30 Mar 84 13':23 PST' From':' Subject': Re': New PRINTOUT functions' In-reply-to': Wogulis.pasa''s message of 28 Mar 84 13':33 PST' To': Wogulis.pasa' cc': Sannella.PA' ' Yes, copy {ROSE}<LISPUSERS>PRINTOUT to {phylum}<LispUsers>PRINTOUT. Put any documentation in PRINTOUT.TXT' ' -----' ' Date': 9 Apr 84 09':11 PST' From': Wogulis.pasa' Subject': Re': New PRINTOUT functions' In-reply-to':''s message of 30 Mar 84 13':23 PST' To':' cc': Wogulis.pasa' ' Mike,' Regarding your message of 30 Mar 84 13':23 PST, {ROSE}<LISPUSERS>PRINTOUT is now on {PHYLUM}<LISPUSERS>PRINTOUT and there is the original mail message from Jeff Shulman in {PHYLUM}<LISPUSERS>PRINTOUT>TED.' ' Jim' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Release Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Other Software Subsystem: Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Fixed Problem Type: Design - Impl Source Files: