Number: 678 Date: 13-Apr-84 10':38':43 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: New Dedit --- many old bugs fixed Assigned To: Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Harmony Problem Type: Bug Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Programming Environment Subsystem: Code Editor Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "21-Aug-84 17':55':13" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed) In/By':] Description: ' Date': 6 Apr 84 00':32 PST' From':' Subject': New version of DEdit' To': lispcore↑' cc': lispsupport, lispfriends↑' ' There is a new version of DEdit on {phylum}<lispcore>sources (and in future loadups).' ' The major change is that DEdit''s internal data structures have been revised so that they take 1/3 less space. This should radically improve swapping performance over extended programming sessions.' ' A much requested feature': New function template. If one runs DF on either a name with no function defn (either real or spelling correctable) or with second arg NEW, i.e. DF FOO NEW, one is given a "blank" defn which will be installed on exit if any changes are made to it.' ' In addition, many bugs have been fixed and much general sanitation and reworking of the internals has taken place. ' ' Enjoy.' ' Beau' ' -------' ' Bug and feature requests fixed include': ' ' AR bugs fixed':' ' AR 38, 162': EVAL in DEdit uses wrong bindings' AR 174': Break under FONTCREATE' AR 254': DEdit redisplay (DEDITREPAINTFN) bug' AR 15, 290': ?= EditCom fails on 0-arg functions' AR 228': Shift select supports both COPY and the right shift key' ' Pre AR bugs':' ' Date': 14 Oct. 1982 !!!!!!' From': Raim.EOS' Subject': A fy in the Dedit ointment' ' ---------------------------' ' Date': 12 Oct 1982 1304-PDT' From': VANBUER at USC-ECL' Subject': Small Dedit bug (later as P116, later still as P1149)' ' When using Control to batch commands, it''s possible to screw up the editmenu.' I did point, point, point, typein, control down': replace, replace, control up, replace. After doing the 3 replaces, the replace menu item is still inverted!!' ' -------' ' Date': 23-MAR-83 13':59':04 PDT' From': vanMelle.PA' ' If you SWITCH a comment and a non-comment, the latter gets prettyprinted as a comment.' ' -----' ' Date': 4 MAY 83 18':17 PDT' From': JONL.PA' Subject': TAB key in DEdit' ' There seems to be some ocasional "race" condition concerning DEdit''s use of the TAB key....' ' --------' Date': 31 MAY 83 09':52 PDT' From': KAPLAN.PA' Subject': Font glitches in Dedit' ' Dedit seems to be confused about the height of fonts. I deleted something and the top row or 2 of bits from what was previously there stayed on the screen....' ' -------' ' Date': 10 Jun 83 14':59 PDT' From':' Subject': DEDIT reprinting' ' ... recently I have noticed several cases where after exit DEdit reprinted the entire function, apparently as a side effect of changing the edit date comment!' ' -------' ' Date': 18 June 1983 9':43 pm PDT (Saturday)' From': HALASZ.PA' Subject': Bug in Dedit in FUGUE' ' ...IF you pass through the "standard" editor (use editcoms) on the way to Dedit AND if you delete something in Dedit AND you exit while the deleted item is still selected in the type-in window, THEN Dedit will smash the defn of the function and replace it with the deleted (selected in the type-in window) S-expression' ' -------' ' Date': 9 Jul 83 12':29 PDT' From':' Subject': DEDIT glitch -- () creates circular structure' ' if I do EDITE((A B C)), middle-bug the expression twice and then button (), it creates a circular structure which results in a stack overflow.' ' ------' ' Date': 20 Jul 83 12':35 PDT' From':' Subject': Dedit': Illegal arg NIL to FONTCREATE' ' -------' ' Date': 27 JUL 83 20':59 PDT' From': ROACH.PA' ' If the EditOps menu overlaps my active chat window, then Chat and Dedit play king of the mountain, fighting over whether the menu or the chat window should be on top.' ' --------' ' Date': 26 JUL 83 16':40 PDT' From': ROACH.PA' ' I still occasionally get 9126 "Shouldn''t happen! DEDITDSPS tangled" losing my Dedit' ' --------' ' Date': 6 Feb 84 16':40 PST' From': Kaplan, BURTON' ' If you SETQ(FOO ''((X . Y))), then DV FOO, select the (X . Y) sublist, typein (A . B) and hit replace, the screen shows ((A . Y)) instead of ((A . B))' ' -------' ' Date': 6 Mar 84 12':40 PST' From':' ' Select the entire structure you''re editing and then apply Break to it. Tries to wrap infinitely many break1''s around the structure and ends in stack overflow.' ' --------' ' Date': 27 SEP 83 23':02 PDT' From': JONL.PA' ' if you have some expression that has multiple copies of an atom on it, e.g.' (BITBLT DS LEFT OLDBOTTOM LEFT DS LEFT ...]' and start a Find for LEFT, it will find the first LEFT in the line, but subsequent Find commmands just hang there and will not advance to later instances.' ' --------' ' Date': 27 SEP 83 23':02 PDT' From': JONL.PA' ' if the cursor is "near" the top of the screen, then holding TAB down will snuggle the menu over to the cursor into such a position that some of it will be clipped off the screen.' ' --------' ' Not everything made it into this version. Over the next few days, I''ll be dumping my residual bugs into the AR system.' ' -----' ' Date': 13 Apr 84 00':09 PST' From':' Subject': New DEdit' To': lispsupport' cc': lispcore↑' ' There is a new DEdit on {p}<lispcore>sources.' ' Fixes' ' AR 675 (font cache not cleared by FONTSET (I use Ron''s instead, thanks Ron));' ' AR ?? (Mousing editbuffer during typin doesnt change tty process) (does now)' ' AR ?? (Buried DEdit menu) (it now climbs to the top iff it is the TTY process);' ' AR ?? (TAB/KEYACTION problem) (Pending a solution to the infamous PEEKC bug (waiting for which young children have grown old) I followed Bill''s advice and reset it with TTYENTRYFN and TTYEXITFN properties).' ' <I dont tab here but I could have if I''d wanted to>Beau' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 21-Aug-84 17':55':14