Number: 564 Date: 9-Apr-84 16':09':59 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: DEUTSCH.PA Subject: MIN/MAX.SMALLP/FIXP not bound in Interlisp-10 Assigned To: Attn: Status: Declined In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Moderate Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Language Support Subsystem: Arithmetic Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' Date': 8 APR 84 11':33 PST' From': DEUTSCH.PA' Subject': MIN/MAX.SMALLP/FIXP not bound in Interlisp-10' To': LispSupport' ' (As an Interlisp-10 user, I don''t know how to get to the AR system,' so I am continuing to send bug reports to LispSupport. If there is' a way for me to use the AR system from a dumb terminal, let me know.)' ' Contrary to p. 2.38 of the Interlisp manual, the variables' MIN.SMALLP, MAX.SMALLP, MIN.FIXP, and MAX.FIXP are not bound in' Interlisp-10. MIN.INTEGER and MAX.INTEGER are bound to reasonable values.' ' -----' ' From':' Date': 8-Apr-84 18':04':22 PST' Subject': Re': MIN/MAX.SMALLP/FIXP not bound in Interlisp-10' In-reply-to': DEUTSCH.PA''s message of 8 APR 84 11':33 PST' To': DEUTSCH.PA' cc': LispSupport.PA, Masinter.PA, JonL.PA' ' Peter,' ' First, it is always appropriate to just send messages to LispSupport. ' ' Apparently the Interlisp-10 versions of these constants got dropped somewhere along the line. I seem to recall that they had been set up at one time. Will look into it further. ' ' -----' ' Date': 9 APR 84 20':01 PST' From': JONL.PA' Subject': Re': MIN/MAX.SMALLP/FIXP not bound in Interlisp-10' To': DEUTSCH, LispSupport' cc': JONL' ' In response to the message sent 8 APR 84 11':33 PST from DEUTSCH.PA' ' I added the global variables MIN/MAX.SMALLP and MIN/MAX.FIXP along with' documentation which called them respectively the min and max over the' range of the SMALLP and FIXP predicates [this documentation appeared in' the June 30 and Aug 18 Fugue release messages].' ' Unfortunately, this isn''t what''s in the manual, and this has led to someone''s' confusion in thinking about what a "large integer" is and what bignums' might be. As it stands now, FIXP as a predicate is a union of types, and' should Interlisp elect to take the MacLisp route, then FIXP would also be' true of bignums. In any case, MiIN/MAX.INTEGER is superfluous, and although' I suggested de-documenting it, it is lurking around to further confuse' the bignum-extension issue.' ' I don''t know what file would be appropriate for setting these values' in Interlisp-10, but it''s certainly likely that no one here is likely to' massage I-10 for efficient, integrated bignums.' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 30-Jun-84 01':04':05