Number: 526

Date:  5-Apr-84 13':27':29

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Denber.wbst

Subject: (COLORDISPLAY T) breaks in COLORMAPCREATE - Illegal arg - NOBIND

Lisp Version: 

Description: '
Date':  4 Apr 84 10':30 EST'
From': Denber.wbst'
Subject': Lisp': COLOR'
cc':, Feuerman.pasa'
Lisp-System-Date':  1-Mar-84 14':24':22'
Machine-Type': Dolphin'
I have loaded {Ice}<Lisp>Library>COLOR.DCOM and {Phylum}<Lispusers>Colorutilities.dcom.  A call to (COLORDISPLAY T) now results in a break in COLORMAPCREATE - Illegal arg - NOBIND.  ??'
			- Michel'
Date':  4 Apr 84 09':19':31 PST (Wednesday)'
From': Feuerman.PASA'
Subject': Re': Lisp': COLOR'
In-reply-to': Denber.wbst''s message of 4 Apr 84 10':30 EST'
To': Denber.wbst'
cc':,, Feuerman'
Just to make sure we eliminate other possibilities, try (COLORDISPLAY T 4).  It may be that it''s not defaulting the bits per pixel argument properly.  But then again, I''ve never run across that particular problem, so I don''t necessarily know.'
Date':  4 Apr 84 14':08 EST'
From': Denber.wbst'
Subject': Re': Lisp': COLOR'
In-reply-to': Feuerman.PASA''s message of 4 Apr 84 09':19':31 PST (Wednesday)'
To': Feuerman.PASA'
Nope, that didn''t help - here''s what I get.  The args to COLORMAPCREATE when it breaks are INTENSITIES = NOBIND, BITSPERPIXEL = 4.  Called from COLORMAPOF with args NEWCM = NOBIND and BITSPERPIXEL = 4.  Called from COLORDISPLAY with args COLORMAPIFON = T, BITSPERPIXEL = 4, CLEARSCREENFLG = NIL, CBITMAP = some bitmap #, COLORBITS = {}#71,151000.'
Does that mean anything to you?  Do I still need to have that colorpatch file loaded?'
			- Michel'
Date':  5 Apr 84 07':43':46 PST (Thursday)'
From': Feuerman.PASA'
Subject': Re': Lisp': COLOR'
In-reply-to': Denber.wbst''s message of 4 Apr 84 14':08 EST'
To': Denber.wbst'
cc': Feuerman,,'
Sorry, that one''s beyond me.  Richard Burton is probably the one to help for that.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: masinter.PA

Edit-Date: 17-Jul-84 17':29':33

Attn: Release

Assigned To: Burton


Disposition: [edited Burton': 18-May-84 12':23':51]

System: Windows and Graphics

Subsystem: Color



Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Difficulty: Easy

Frequency: Everytime

Impact: Serious

Priority: Absolutely

Status: Fixed

Problem Type: Bug

Source Files: