Number: 502 Date: 4-Apr-84 12':46':58 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: TEDIT.INSERT scrolls even when DONTSCROLL=T Assigned To: Attn: RELEASE Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' Date': 3 Apr 84 11':17 PST' From':' Subject': TEdit': TEDIT.INSERT scrolling when DONTSCROLL=T' To': TEditSupport' cc':' ' TEdit System Date': 2-Mar-84 16':54':27' Lisp System Date': 29-Mar-84 17':34':40' Machine': Dorado (Archimedes)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Always' Impact': Annoying' ' I have a case where TEDIT.INSERT causes the window to scroll even though the argument DONTSCROLL is T. The string begins with a cr (it is LAFITEENDOFMESSAGESTR), and it is inserted in a place such that the cr is on the last visible line of the window, and the rest of the string would be one line below the window. In this particular case, the insertion causes the window to scroll so that the entire string is visible.' ' I still have the message that demonstrates this bug, if you''d like to come see it live before I delete the message.' ' Bill' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sybalsky Edit-Date: 22-May-84 10':50':57