Number: 451 Date: 4-Apr-84 7':23':46 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Tom Lispkis@USC-ISIF Subject: HANDLE.RAW.XIP causes checksum error Assigned To: Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Moderate Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Absolutely System: Communications Subsystem: NS Protocols Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Fugue.4 Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "16-Aug-84 09':29':50" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed)] Description: ' Date': Tue, 3 Jan 84 13':58 PST' Sender': le.PASA' Subject': Problem Report P5124 (More on NS broadcast problem)' To':' From': 1100Support' ' System': ?' ' ' The problem with NS broadcasts (or anything else) addressed to net 0 is that \HANDLE.RAW.XIP replaces the XIPDESTNET of the incoming packet with the NDB''s NDBNSNET# before computing the checksum, thereby insuring a checksum error. I moved that replace to just before the UNINTERRUPTABLY (and added a (NOT (ZEROP ...)) to the remaining COND clause) and it now works.' ' Tom' ' -----' ' Date': 2 Apr 84 12':16 PST' From':' Subject': Re': AR#451': HANDLE.RAW.XIP causes checksum error' To': 1100Support.pasa' cc': LispSupport' ' This is an old bug that was fixed and reported fixed long ago.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 16-Aug-84 09':29':52