Number: 394 Date: 30-Mar-84 14':35':11 Submitter: JFung.pasa Source: Subject: Embedded space in Domain in doesn''t show up in InstallLispTool Form Lisp Version: Fugue 4 Description: ' An embeded space in token cause problem. I.e. "XSIS North" when parsed only show "XSIS". same on ProfileTool.' ' Date': 28 Feb 84 17':51 PST' From':' Subject': Re': Lisp': FAILING INSTALLATIONUTILITY' In-reply-to': JFung.PASA''s message of 28 Feb 84 16':16':22 PST (Tuesday)' To': JFung.PASA' cc':,' ' I used 100 pages only for the DSK partition. This is just in order that there be a {DSK} device for programs which assume its existence, like LAFITE, to function appropriately' ' And btw. when I set the DOMAIN in my to be ' ' Xsis North' ' (which is our domain) only Xsis shows up in the Installlisptool field for Domain. The second word also falls out if you use the Porfiletool.' ' Kris' ' -----' ' Date': 5 Apr 84 11':13':44 PST (Thursday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': AR 394': "Problem with Domain token" ← Fixed ' To': LispCore↑.pa' cc':,, JFung' Reply-To': JFung.pasa' ' The problem of token can''t have embeded space in is "fixed". I.E. the tool now correctly shows domain "XSIS North" instead of just "XSIS". ' ' It is fixed at both ProfileTool and InstallTool. ' ' (Note': using ProfileTool will destroy your current file not recommended for internal users)' ' Filed at [Phylum]<lispCore>Next>InstallLispTool.bcd' ' Thanks for your patience!' Workaround: ' 1. Do not include domain line on your' 2. If using ProfileTool leave Domain field blank, then when doing Install File! command, enter domain value from window.' Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 24-Apr-84 12':21':30 Attn: Release Assigned To: JFung.pasa In/By: Disposition: ' [tl': 4/5/84Fixed in both Profile-Tool and InstallLispTool; filed at [Phylum]<lispCore>Next (remark from Jerry)] System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: 1108 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Absolutely Status: Fixed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: