Number: 279 Date: 23-Mar-84 12':04':47 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: InstallLispTool should allow booting non-LispVMem volumes Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 23 Mar 84 02':54 PST' From':' Subject': Lisp': InstallLispTool' To':' cc': ' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dandelion' ' The InstallLispTool has no provision for starting non-LispVMem volumes. For example, if you wanted to have Star & Tajo living on the same machine as Lisp, you would not be able to use the InstallLispTool to boot those volumes.' ' Unless there is a way for the StartVolume! command to figure out whether the volume it is about to boot should be diagnostic-booted or normal booted, I suggest there be two commands': a StartLisp! command and a StartOther! command. StartLisp! would do a diagnostic boot, and StartOther! would do a normal boot.' ' -- Tayloe.' ' -----' ' Date': 23 Mar 84 17':54':45 PST (Friday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': Re': AR# 279 InstallLispTool should allow booting non-LispVMem volumes' In-reply-to': Your message of 23 Mar 84 12':06':12 PST (Friday)' To': stansbury.PA' cc':, LispSupport.PA, 1100Support, JFung' ' ' Dear Tayloe,' ' I am glad to see somebody requested this feature. I have this on my private version, since I found it is frustrating not able to use the Interlisp-D bouncing box to bring up my Tajo volume.(especially it is your own tool) Anyway, here it is how it works. (I appreciate your suggestions, but this is how it works NOW, let me know whether you like it or not).' ' There is a parameter of Volume-Type': {Lisp, Non-Lisp}. To start up the non-lisp volumes say Tajo, first you select the Non-Lisp then select the volume name from volume-menu and then bug the StartVolume!. ' ' There is one catch to this, and please DO NOT let the customers know this. The StartVolume! will not boot volume with name = Diagnostics. This is to prevent customers from using Tajo volume. So if you have Diagnostics volume now, it is too bad. You need to re-partition (using Othello) your machine and not select Diagnostics as the name. ' ' If you have Star volume, you need to install the Star boot file into that volume. I hope this works, I have not tested this. I know you can boot tajo, and then you may SHIFT-STOP to jump into Copilot.' ' This will be included in the next release, whenever it is. Right now, it is filed at': [Rose]<Lisp>New>InstallLispTool.bcd ' ' ' P.S. I think if you start up the volume with wrong type, say, start Tajo with type=Lisp, or start Lisp with type=Non-Lisp, it crashes. ' ' P.P.S. By the way, is there a way, I can find out the members of Just curious? ' ' P.P.P.S. Can I change Status{} ← Fixed, or shall I wait till release time?' ' P.P.P.P.S. I am looking forward to meet the LISPers on your next monday Lisp meeting.' ' /Jerry from South ' ' -----' ' ' Date': 5 Apr 84 17':25':44 PST (Thursday)' From': Halvorsen.PA' Subject': Re': AR 394': "Problem with Domain token" ← Fixed' In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 5 Apr 84 11':13':44 PST (Thursday)' To': JFung.pasa' cc': Halvorsen,Lispsupport' ' First time I used the new version of the installlisptool I it booted Tajo when I confirmed boot of the destination volume after having done a remote boot from Lisp1 to Lisp. I believe that I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the Volume type was indicated as NonLisp (but I wouldn''t swear to that). I had Lisp1 selected as the volume in the tool. What''s this new volume type business?' ' Kris' ' -----' ' Date': 6 Apr 84 08':31':10 PST (Friday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': Re': AR 394': "Problem with Domain token" ← Fixed' In-reply-to': Halvorsen.PA''s message of 5 Apr 84 17':25':44 PST (Thursday)' To': Halvorsen.PA' cc': JFung, Lispsupport.PA' ' Kris,' ' I am sorry I have not mentioned the changes on this version. I was planning to announce the "official" next release with the next major lisp release. I put in LispCore>Next so some people if wanted can "try" it out first.' ' Anyway, the new Volume-Type is a temporary kluge(sp?) for us to boot non-lisp volumes (like Tajo, Copilot, Star). I will try to make this transparent to the users but right now, you have to tell the tool whether the volume you want to boot is Lisp or Non-Lisp.' ' Sorry for the confusion and thanks for trying the "prelease" tool.' ' ' /Jerry' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 17-Apr-84 15':14':13 Attn: Release Assigned To: JFung.pasa In/By: 23-Mar-84/JFung Disposition: Moved to [phylum]<LispCore>Next>InstallLispTool.bcd!1 System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: 1108 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying Priority: Hopefully Status: Fixed Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: Lisp-Tool.mesa