Number: 204 Date: 20-Mar-84 9':53':40 Submitter: Source: Feuerman.pasa Subject: (MKDIR ''DSK) causes 8935936 - ILLEGAL ARG Lisp Version: Description: ' From': Feuerman.pasa' Subject': Lisp': DLIONFS' To':, 1100Support.pasa' cc': Feuerman.pasa' Lisp-System-Date': 25-Feb-84 17':29':22' Machine-Type': Dandelion' ' I''m having a problem trying to set up my DSK volume to be Interlisp-D accessible. I''m using three partitions on my 42 MB disk, Diagnostics (type = debugger) 30000 pages, DSK (type = nonPilot) 20000 pages, and Lisp (type = normal) which takes up the rest. The sysout I''m starting from is found on {Rosebowl}<lisp>carol>full.sysout. After that I load {phylum}<Lisp>Library>DLIONFS.DCOM. Next, I call (MKDIR ''DSK). This is where it goes wrong. I see "Opened local disk volume {Diagnostics}" printed in the prompt window, then I get a break window with the message "8935936 - ILLEGAL ARG." Doing a BT! reveals':' ' ERRORSET' BREAK1' \EVALFORM' \EVAL' \EVALFORM' \EVAL' *ENV*' \LISPERROR' \ILLEGAL.ARG' \PUTBAS.UFN' \DL.DISKSEEK' \DL.XFERDISK' \PvTransferPage' \LvGetPage' \VFMSetupIntervalCache' \DFSInit' \DFSVOLUMEP' MKDIR' ' etc.' ' Do I have my disk partitioned correctly? I''m not sure if the types are right. Please don''t suggest that I use the sysout up on Phylum, because that takes generally over an hour to bring down. Any ideas?' ' --Ken.' -------------------------' Rewrote volume file map, volume allocation map, and most of the code under MKDIR. Works fine in all instances to date. -- Tayloe Stansbury' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 17-Aug-84 10':21':57 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: [tl': edited 3-22-84 , changed subject and Attn]' [hts': edited 5-7-84; changed Assigned To, Status, Impact, Description] System: Operating System Subsystem: DLion Disk Machine: 1108 Disk: Q2040 (43MB) Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious Priority: Absolutely Status: Closed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: