Number: 169 Date: 18-Mar-84 15':50':21 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: MASINTER.PA Subject: Compiler should coerce constant args to floating fns. Assigned To: Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Problem Type: Performance Impact: Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Absolutely System: Language Support Subsystem: Compiler, Code Format Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' [Date': 20 Mar 84 12':00 PST' From':' Subject': more ARs' To': LispSupport' cc':' ...AR#169': status← Fixed (today)]' ["Sannella" "20-Aug-84 17':53':52" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed)] Description: ' Date': 18 MAR 84 00':54 PST' From': MASINTER.PA' Subject': Please submit AR': want compiler to coerce constant args to floating fns. to floatp' To': LispSupport' cc': JonL' ' Currently compiled code for (FPLUS X 3) and the like emit a fixed-point 3 as the arg to the FPLUS opcode.' ' Unless the floating microcode on our machines is extended, this is much slower than if the compiler emitted (FPLUS X 3.0).' ' (I don''t know if the ''fix'' is to require more microcode to auto-float the arguments or to change the compiler. I suspect the fix is to extend the microcode, at least on Dorado and DLion.)' -----' Date': 20 MAR 84 00':12 PST' From': MASINTER.PA' Subject': BYTECOMPILER coerce constant args' To': JonL' cc': LispSupport' ' I made the fix to BYTECOMPILER but haven''t recompiled it or tested. The change was in COMP.NUMERIC. I fixed it that it would coerce args to numeric functions, e.g.' ' (IPLUS x 3.5) would compile as (IPLUS X 3) while (FPLUS x 3) would compile as (FPLUS x 3.0).' ' Some of this had been working before, e.g., (FPLUS x 2 1) would have compiled as (FPLUS x 3.0).' ' As I type this I realize that there are more cases to handle, so wait a bit before testing.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella Edit-Date: 20-Aug-84 17':53':53